posted on 26/6/04 at 05:04 PM |
engine choice???
im still undicided on the engine choice to put in my indy????if i go the car engine route i would like to fit a z tec or vauxhall red top,but the cost
of fitting carbs or throttle bodies and haveing the ignition re mapped ive been told will be 1000 to 1500 pound,plus a bellhouseing adaptor if i use
the vauxhall another 200 quid...what will i have to spend on the engine side of things if i fit a bike engine????say i budget 1000 pound for the bike
engine.how mutch is a reverse gearbox????and have you all fit one???do you need reverse for sva???do you need to use the cat for emisions or can you
bin it..if i used a r1 engine does the sump need shortening and baffeling.any advise would be great as i do need to make my mind up about engine
choice.maybe a shove in the right direction
posted on 26/6/04 at 05:23 PM |
Hi im going the R1 route i didnt shorten or baffel the sump just putting extra oil in it.I would recon you could get a good bike engine setup for
£1000.iv not got reverse just need to get out and push worth it going forward.
If your going for a bike engine give colibriman a shout .
Cheers Drew
posted on 26/6/04 at 05:25 PM |
no reverse needed, so becs are still quite easy. If the engine had a cat in the bike it will probably need one still, to pass the emissions test.
if trackdaying is likely, a baffled sump is advisable really, esp on slicks.
posted on 26/6/04 at 05:53 PM |
would a 3.62 diff be ok for a bike engine????and would drum brakes be ok on the rear???because this is what my present set up is....
posted on 26/6/04 at 05:59 PM |
i was in alans the other day, he has a 3.62 LSD at the min, with a zx9 engine. The speedo wasnt working but at motorway speed it was doing around 9k
revs, id guess about 80odd mph, so more was possible but i suspect (alan too) that 3.38 is better for cruising. Great acceleration though.
3.38 is in 2.0 petrol autos, and 3.14(?) is in 2.3 diesels. The LSD can be swapped into these by someone in the know.
posted on 26/6/04 at 07:32 PM |
Really depends what you want the car for.
If you are intending to use it mainly on the road and\or as a day to day car then I guess a car engine is better, but if it's for the weekend
and/or trackdays then the bike engine is probably a good bet.
Have you been in a car with a bike engine? I was going to use a car engine but then decided on a blade engine as looking at power to weight ratio you
can't beat a bike engine. A standard bike engine weighs about the same as a ford gearbox on it's own.
If you get a chance then get a ride in both and see what you think, I had no doubt it had to be a bike engine for me!
Whatever choice you make you will have a fast fun car.
Good luck,
posted on 26/6/04 at 07:58 PM |
Yep Bike power is the way to go! I was going down the car engine route till bloody SCOTLAD gave us a little taster in the blade powered
auto............blew me away. R1 for me now. Helfire said why have half a car when you can have it all.....
posted on 26/6/04 at 08:09 PM |
posted on 26/6/04 at 09:57 PM |
Can't beat bike power IMHO. R1 engine and gearbox 62kg complete and 150bhp out of the box. Have rallied in my mates R1 engined Mini for 2
years now and no sump mods at all. Just run a little extra oil in it - and that is on tarmac rallies with Dunlop CR311 moulded super soft slicks.
You won't generate any more g's than that - fantastic tyres. Just picked my engine up this morning - £1000 for a 2003 R1 with 1600 miles.
http://www.sidenet.co.uk/cgi-bin/class/class_ad.pl?action=View+&cat=Engines&scat=All&display=25&begin=1&end=10 is a good source
for engines.