posted on 19/3/06 at 08:59 AM |
Bike or car engine what do i do?
Can any one help me? im in the planing stage of my mk kit. i have all the donor parts i need ie type 9 box and a 2.0l pinto but last week i went out
in Mk's new track car that has a bike engine in and what can i say the performance was out of this world just what im looking for. so im now
looking at doing a bike engine kit and going down that road but i don't no anything about bike engines so can any one tell me if im doing the
right thing not useing my pinto that i have and getting a 1000cc bike engine also where the best palce to get one from as i have limited funds and
also what is the voltage 6v or 12v . i no that there are some easy questions to answer but i need to no befor i get neck deep in it all.
posted on 19/3/06 at 09:10 AM |
First question would be, have you been out in a car engined Mk? to compare it against?
Modern bike engines run on 12V electrics.
The biggest thing that stands out in what you've said is "limited Funds" to buy a bike engine.
Suppose its a personal choice but supposing you spent the same money would you rather have a well finished CEC rather than a Average BEC for the same
Think its the usual luxury and fast enough CEC, VS the Basic and Banzai BE
posted on 19/3/06 at 09:18 AM |
at the start i was going to put the pinto in the car untill i got it past its SVA then go for a 20L Zetec but i have never been in one to mach the
How much am i looking for a bike engine?
posted on 19/3/06 at 10:12 AM |
I think really good bike engines go for about £1,000 although there will be better people tp answer that than me!
BEC's are lighter all round so everything is faster particularly corner speed was what I noticed most.
Accelleration wise I didn't think it was that much more impressive it sounds like your working it really hard (and should be going faster maybe)
rather than just planting your foot and its off!.
I have only had a ride in 1 BEC and that had a broken rev-counter and the GPS speedo came flying off into the cockpit so there was little to go on as
to how fast we were actually going!
I suppose somebody who's driven both is more qualified to say either way!
If your wanting to swap engines at a later date make it as basic as possible for the SVA i.e don't spend time make everything a perfect fit to
the donor engine and then chage it.
posted on 19/3/06 at 10:32 AM |
dont forget to add the cost of the prop and prop adapter plus all the grief getting it through the cat test at the sva and a reverse box if you want
to go backwards and the usual clutch mods and the sump chopping and the oil starvation problems,
im not knocking the performance as they are VERY quick but at a cost. imo put the pinto in to get you on the road then look at other options later

posted on 19/3/06 at 11:27 AM |
I would build a pre 95 zetec first. Changing from pinto to zetec is costing me about £1500 but building zetec first off would have saved at least 500
of that.
If you use an early zetec, transplant it into the donor and inform DVLA of the engine change then you are still on for an age related plate.
posted on 19/3/06 at 01:42 PM |
I fitted a pinto that I got for free with the doner car. By the time I had reconed it and bought the following:-
Exhaust manifold
inlet manifold
twin carbs + fixings
fast road cam & verier pully
new clutch
gaskets & Timing belt etc.
That free engine probably cost me £700-£800. You could fit a bike engine for that.
PS I agree with Snoopy
[Edited on 19/3/06 by carlgeldard]
posted on 12/4/06 at 02:50 PM |
If you want to know what a Pinto is capable of, I am only just up the road from you (as long as you are not in Iraq ) I would be happy to take you
for a spin.
posted on 13/4/06 at 08:02 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mookaloid
If you want to know what a Pinto is capable of, I am only just up the road from you (as long as you are not in Iraq ) I would be happy to take you
for a spin.
You are an effing brave man if you do     Put a bag on the seat first so its easier to clean the mess up!! 
Seriously though ive had the engine change idea in my head. I was extremely impressed with Marks car on a wet track - to be honest id have to
seriously think about it before going out in it in the dry. Those Pintosaurus' have some serious tunability in them.
posted on 13/4/06 at 09:01 PM |
bec or cec is hard call. I fitted a bike engine to my car for about £700 all in, though that will be up to £1100 by the time i get my own exhaust
made. Its a hell of a lot faster even though it doesnt have much more power (120 before, up to 130 now). The car engines weigh so much more than i
thought possible, thats where the main difference comes from. Bike engine is a bit fast for road use IMHO, i cant seem to drive it at a responsible
pace. Plus, its bloody annoying having a sequential gearbox, especially as the zx9 box seems to have a fair few extra neutrals scattered throughout!

posted on 25/4/06 at 08:18 PM |
quote: Originally posted by DarrenW
quote: Originally posted by mookaloid
If you want to know what a Pinto is capable of, I am only just up the road from you (as long as you are not in Iraq ) I would be happy to take you
for a spin.
You are an effing brave man if you do     Put a bag on the seat first so its easier to clean the mess up!! 
Seriously though ive had the engine change idea in my head. I was extremely impressed with Marks car on a wet track - to be honest id have to
seriously think about it before going out in it in the dry. Those Pintosaurus' have some serious tunability in them.
What do you mean to be honest id have to seriously think about it before going out in it in the dry It's even better in the dry   