posted on 13/12/06 at 03:42 PM |
anyone using RD speedo?
anyone using this speedo from Rally Design?
supposed to be electronic speedo, is it?
any good? easy to program?
posted on 13/12/06 at 05:06 PM |
Ooooooooh, it's a tricky one!!!
I've used it on my car. See my website for the full story!!!
The speedo is adjustable to a point. There's a variable resistor on the back which has some adjustment. The odometer on the other hand, requires
a precise frequency and isn't adjustable!!!! IIRC its 811Hz @ 100mph... So you can get an exact speedo reading but your odometer is way off....
not exactly great...
It was a bit of a pig to setup. In the end I drew up some trigger wheels on CAD and got them laset cut:
Bit of a pain, especially as it means if I change tyres size I'll have to get some new ones made. Also they clamp under the Lobro diff bolts so
changing them would mean removing all the bolts (and they're well threadlocked in place).
If I was buying new dials I wouldn't go for the RD ones- I'd go for Greenguage or one of the speedos that can accept a propshaft magnet
posted on 13/12/06 at 09:09 PM |
Yup. An under reading speedo can be a good thing (for insurance purposes) until you go on a Tour7 type trip when the turnings are listed in the tour
manual to the nearest miles
Then you either have to go through the entire thing, multiplying by the correcting factor or fit a second pushbike speedo just for an accurate
odometer (or stay at the back of a convoy and try not to get lost)..... Or do what I do and get mahusively lost and turn up at the hotel three hours
after everyone else, having explored parts of Ireland not visited by mankind for a few decades!!! Oh well.. It wasn't like I was low on petrol
and without AA/RAC cover Luckily the old Xflow 1700 was only thirsty for oil on that journey...