posted on 31/5/08 at 05:51 PM |
my coil exploded
Today i did what i always tell the wife not to do...
i was working on the car and i needed to turn the front wheels, so i turned the key and left it. while i was working away (prob about 20 mins) there
was a huge BANG, smoke and fluid every where
the coil had exploded
just fitted a new one and all runs ok. but beware lads, do not leave the ignition on if the engines not running... prehaps i should heed my own
[Edited on 31/5/08 by ditchlewis]
posted on 31/5/08 at 05:57 PM |
done that on my first mini, was nearly crying when seen smoke coming from her!!! rust in peace baby
posted on 31/5/08 at 08:21 PM |
it's just i did not know that it would go bang.. it was a shock and i vas lucky i did not get a face full.
wife said " you fit one thing and then break another"
i hope that it is good weather tomorrow as i need a drive
posted on 31/5/08 at 08:24 PM |
Happened to me on a racing car a few months back when I left the master switch on. The bugger was sat over the left shoulder of the driver. The oil
bloody stank!
posted on 31/5/08 at 08:33 PM |
i know, i just cant get the smell of the oil off me YUK.
did the best i could cleaning it all down but as i fire up the oil that had got on the heat wrap started to smoke.
posted on 1/6/08 at 12:37 AM |
This is only a problem with points based ignition, or basic transistor assisted type ignitions. Any modern system will power down the coil if the
engine has not moved for a short while.