posted on 21/6/08 at 03:11 PM |
NAT errors and Port Forwarding
This is something that has always driven me nuts.
I'm using Azureus for Torrent downloading. I have set up a specific port to be the one to use in Azureus.
I have a Netgear router, and have set that up to allow Azureus through in both directions on that port.
I have also allowed this port in Windows Firewall for Azureus too.
Yesterday I had all green smiles on my Azureusa downloads and got speeds up to 500kbps.
Today, when I do the NATS test in Azureus it says 'NAT Error - Connection to .................. (your computer) refused' and I have
got all yellow smiles and crap speeds.
I've done nothing since then to change anything on my system, so why is it doing this.
If you're not living life on the edge you're taking up too much room.
posted on 21/6/08 at 03:31 PM |
has your pc ip address changed since yesterday?
posted on 21/6/08 at 03:36 PM |
No idea? Can it do that on it's own?
If you're not living life on the edge you're taking up too much room.
posted on 21/6/08 at 05:26 PM |
If you're using DHCP then yes.
What type of netgear box is it?
posted on 21/6/08 at 05:31 PM |
TBH, you normally don't need to setup any rules on a home broadband router for bittorrents to work ok
have you tried the original available from www.bittorrent.com ?
posted on 21/6/08 at 05:32 PM |
last question - who is your isp? It may be that they detected you using it and have put some sort of filter/throttle/cap on your connection....
posted on 22/6/08 at 05:26 PM |
I have spent ages setting my ports up before... pain in the neck, very rarely simple!
MK Indyblade
posted on 23/6/08 at 09:54 AM |
To answer your questions:
Netgear router: DG834G
ISP: Eclipse, should be ok for Torrents.
How do I know if I'm using DHCP?
I'll give BitTorrent a go instead of Azureus and see if that makes any difference.
If you're not living life on the edge you're taking up too much room.
posted on 23/6/08 at 10:08 AM |
Port forwarding is easy once you get the concept but if you are aren't technical then utorrent is an option as it will use UPnP with your router
for port mapping. If you've switched it on...
They also have a good guide...it's not something that easy to help with remotely on a forum. You have to be prepared to read up and work it
posted on 23/6/08 at 10:20 AM |
I've spent ages on Portforwading.com trying to sort this out, hours spent trying to set up a Static IP address, etc, etc, and when I do all this
I invariably knacker my internet connection and have to put it all back where it was before....
If you're not living life on the edge you're taking up too much room.