Poll: WHO are the worst drivers on motorways.... [View Results]
Lorry drivers UK drivers
Lorry drivers NON UK drivers
Sales Rep Car drivers
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White Van Drivers
Non professional Car Drivers
Caravan Car drivers

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Author: Subject: WHO are the worst drivers on motorways....

posted on 8/11/11 at 01:54 PM Reply With Quote
Those who undertake me in the middle lane, when I cant go any faster in the "faster" lane because of the 1-50 cars in front of me ....
Then bully their way back into the "faster" lane a number of cars ahead, causing the "faster" lane cars to brake

∙،°. ˘Ô≈ôﺣ

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Alan M

posted on 8/11/11 at 02:05 PM Reply With Quote
(Those who undertake me in the middle lane, when I cant go any faster in the "faster" lane because of the 1-50 cars in front of me ....
Then bully their way back into the "faster" lane a number of cars ahead, causing the "faster" lane cars to brake)

There is no such thing as "fast lanes"!

There is a left hand lane and then 2 overtaking lanes. It is this thinking that results in the middle lane hogs, who think that the left hand lane is for lorries only and people sticking in the outside lane because they are doing the legal maximum speed


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posted on 8/11/11 at 02:07 PM Reply With Quote
Personally I think the quality of UK driving is pathetic. People just don't give a crap about how their actions affect other road users AND people who are spiteful are just as bad. Instead of being stupid are trying to foolishly blame a certain vehicle for driving, I think its safer to blame the actions of drivers. Like the following

Leaving it until the last minute to make your turnoff / motorway exit.
Not indicating when changing lanes.
Assuming that using an indicator gives you the right to change lanes regardless of how safe it is.
Not getting in the correct lane to leave the motorway and instead sitting STATIONERY in the wrong lane with your indicator on.
Not allowing enough space in front of your car
Not moving back to the left, if your not passing traffic
Making no effort join a motorway safely and joining at 45mph, when traffic is doing 70mph.
Not being polite, being aggressive and not paying attention to other road users.
Nearly causing a crash because "I've got right of way" Helping cause an accident is never "right"
HGV's over taking each other at 2mph speed difference.

I think thats covered the bulk of it. The sad fact is many drivers are jerks and your better off giving them loads of space and staying safe.

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posted on 8/11/11 at 02:25 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by jossey
WHO are the worst drivers on motorways...

The World Health Organisation are particularly bad drivers.

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posted on 8/11/11 at 02:27 PM Reply With Quote
what piss*s me off.

as a few people have mentioned....

-Lorrys overtaking for 3-5 miles on 2 lane motorways.
-middle lane hoggers who wont move in even with nothing in inside lane and me flashing them and then passing them from inside lane to outside and back to inside....
-people who think its fine to keep there high beam on after you overtake them
-lorry drivers who pull out unless your along side them even if you have to brake heavy to avoid being eaten.....
-3rd lane slow drivers

and finally.

The guy who called me a W***ker because i was towing a caravan on a 50 limit road doing 50. not sure what speed he wanted me to do.


David Johnson

Building my tiger avon slowly but surely.

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posted on 8/11/11 at 03:12 PM Reply With Quote
took a few reads but it made sense in end :O)

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by jossey
WHO are the worst drivers on motorways...

The World Health Organisation are particularly bad drivers.


David Johnson

Building my tiger avon slowly but surely.

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posted on 8/11/11 at 03:42 PM Reply With Quote
that would be the limmiter that mean that all trucks go the same top speed ( not their fault ) but why we cant get a load moved onto rail freight (running along the M62 coridor )

but big compaies even have special Tyres to go on so that when the limmiters get set they can get a couple of MPH more when the proper ones go on - as time is money

there are other things that you can do to limiters as well but they wil show up on your Taco.



Taller than your average Guy !
Management is like a tree of monkeys. - Those at the top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. BUT Those at the bottom look up and see a tree full of a*seholes .............

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posted on 8/11/11 at 03:55 PM Reply With Quote
For me it's people who drive too close, they really annoy me. Yesterday I left a gap big enought to fit two cars, cars infront of me were not going anywhere, i got flagged by some old guy, undertook me and reduced the gap then had to break the plunker
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David Jenkins

posted on 8/11/11 at 04:31 PM Reply With Quote
Yes - the standard of driving in this country is poor, and getting worse - but you ought to try driving around Sydney, NSW!

Their driving is astonishingly bad!

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posted on 8/11/11 at 04:42 PM Reply With Quote
HGV's over taking each other at 2mph speed difference.
Lorrys overtaking for 3-5 miles on 2 lane motorways.

Lorrys drivers are not to blame for this, the uk government set the HGV speed at 60 on a motorway but the EU set the limiters to 56 max, company's screw them down to whatever to save fuel.

My recent job had a newish 60 plate do 49mph max adding 30 minute to my journey.

We are perfectly entitled to be on the roads and drive at whatever speed they go, same as every one else. All this is drummed in during HGV training which does involve motorway driving tuition.

Another gripe is people joining motorways slow, not looking then either braking or trying to speed up and undertake.

1972 V8 Jago

1980 Z750

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posted on 8/11/11 at 04:46 PM Reply With Quote
I would like to say Audi and BMW drivers but i think in general its people who believe that it is their place to drive in the fast/middle lane. Really does my head in especially if you flash to get past them, that seems to indicate to them that they should slow down but not move lanes. Actually their all cnuts.

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posted on 8/11/11 at 04:53 PM Reply With Quote
Don't think any of the catogories are worse than any other; There some numpties in all of them.

My list of motorway moans, in no particular order...

People who don't accelerate on a slip road and force me to join the inside lane at 30 with trucks bearing down on me.
Drivers who change lanes without using (or ignoring) their mirrors first.
Drivers who see me catching the car in front and indicating to change lanes but refuse to move out into the (empty)outside lane, thus blocking me in and forcing me to brake.
Middle lane sitters.
Outside lane sitters who, although going a reasonable speed, slow down as they approach a middle lane sitter and creep past then accelerate back to speed...and repeat.
Trucks partaking in "elephant racing"
Lines of trucks so close together you can't get between them to exit.
Last minute exiters, diving accross multiple lanes to the slip road.
People who slow down to 60 when they see a police car.

There's more, but I'm getting wound up so I'm going to leave it there.

"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire


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posted on 8/11/11 at 05:28 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by David Jenkins
Yes - the standard of driving in this country is poor, and getting worse - but you ought to try driving around Sydney, NSW!
Their driving is astonishingly bad!

Typical in a newly Chinese city. Certainly true in Vancouver .. which is another New Immigrant city.
Gives an entirely new meaning to "Drive Defensively"

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posted on 8/11/11 at 05:59 PM Reply With Quote
Forgot to add:

The T**ts that decide they have more right to enter the Motoroway from the slip-road than you have to be on it on the inside lane even if there is nowhere for you to go to let them in!!

It looks like the Midget is winning at the moment......

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Neville Jones

posted on 8/11/11 at 06:02 PM Reply With Quote
I'll be heading from Southampton up to Scotland towing a car trailer in a week or two, to deliver a project.

My biggest fear/worry is the trucks.

Every time I've gone up the M1/M5/M6 I've ended up with artics, or 7.5 tonners who seem to be worse, sitting 2meters from my rear.

What do they hope to achieve? The old 70ps Transit can only tow a trailer so fast.

When this happens I usually give a few taps on the brake lights then slow and let the eejits past.

And I sympathise with the person trying to get across a line of trucks tailgating each other. I've counted as many as 15 on the M6 this time last year. It's a wonder there's not a lot more big pileups..


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posted on 8/11/11 at 06:04 PM Reply With Quote
..........but why is it that your 11 or 61 plate repmobile will harass you out of the way whatever lane you are in and then drive you up to the back of a slower moving vehicle and pull along side you before speeding off

Oh and the lorries that follow mirror/signal/manoeuvre all in one go 6 feet off the back of the lorry in front of them. 3 lanes then doing 50 mph as everything moves right.

It's not just about the lorries and not a dig at the truckers on here as we've all experienced this ^^^^

I've done 10's of thousands of miles in europe and I'd much rather be there than here (although Italy was an education) as they respect other drivers


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posted on 8/11/11 at 06:11 PM Reply With Quote
I hate bad drivers, PERIOD. I see the bad driving as a result of the 'Police' (either for their own reasons or due to 'political' directioning) tending to now purely (seemingly) chasing and prosecuting speeding drivers. I can remember whilst I was learning to drive, the police would stop and 'have a discusion' with anyone who exhibited bad driving habits, be it speeding or otherwise. Also they would have discussions with anyone who had obvious faults like lights not working.

What hope do we have when a car shoots across a junction (crossing a red light) in front of a Police car that has just started to pull off on a green light and then the Police car does absolutely nothing about it.

IF the bad driving habit are not stamped on to the same degree as speeding, then driving without due care and attention will increase and the impact of bad driving in conjunction with speed (for this purpose, anything in excess of 20mph and bring back the red flag walker) will proove to be increasingly fatal (even with advanced safety features, I say install a row of 9 inch nails infront of the drivers head) as the errors of driving will be compounded with speed.

Oh and if you are using the mark 1 eyeball properly you can see an approach(ing) fog bank (or smoke pall) and if you can't see that far due to the conditions then slow down (enough) and give yourself and others a chance.

Driving is not rocket science and I have seen an "Institute of Advanced Drivers" driver make him self look a total prat in in adverse weather conditions.

Rant over.

Beware of the Goldfish in the tulip mines. The ONLY defence against them is smoking peanut butter sandwiches.

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posted on 8/11/11 at 08:47 PM Reply With Quote
My feelings on this seem to be simillar to others on here on what the major issues are and I think it boils down to something that effects our society at a far greater level, People seem to be more selfish now than they were in the past and everyone seem to have to prove they're above everyone else by being a nob.

I voted Foreign HGV's because although all the options will have examples of bad driving, it's them that I think is most dangerous. I personally think LHD HGVs should be banned for commercial purposes in this country as the driver can't see passing traffic. Easter European Drivers also seem to have much easier testing as all the stupidest and most bizaare problems and illegal manouvers I've seen from lorries have all been from eastern european drivers (for a few examples, U turns on Box Junctions, Going round a roundabout anti-clockwise three times, swapping trailers on a dual Carriageway and the classic parking up for the weekend on double yellows next to a sign banning HGV's between 7pm and 8am and pretty much blocking of half an industrial estate of car dealerships. I've seen all those things this month).

Another thing that bothers me is when the gap from the motorway to the junction isn't big enough so theres a queue back onto the motorway. I'm sure everyone has at somepoint come to the aweful realisation that the traffic they're passing is the queue for the junction they want to leave at and now has to somehow intergrate with or give up and drive to the next junction.

Another huge problem we have in this country is people don't seem to be able to understand how fast they should be going for the conditions and this is probably more relevent to non motorways but it still applies. Too many people seem to think the speed limit is the speed you should be doing even though the very word 'limit' tells us we should be going slower than the limit. On the motorway it's slightly more complicated but if people used the lanes propperly we would all be able to pretty much maintain our chosen speed which matches our specific circumstances and should I see fit I should pretty much beable to cross the country at 60, easilly passing lorries at 50 and people at 70 would be able to easilly pass me, lane dissiplin is the only thing thats normally in the way of this, as if your willing to 'filter' you can sit in the first lane at an indicated 60 outside of peak hours and because you stay at 60 you'll pass people in the other two lanes who by going 80 have all bunched up and had a car cut in way up the road cause a breaking effect which gets more pronounced as it moves backwards.

In a White Room, With Black Curtains, By the Station.

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posted on 8/11/11 at 09:18 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by coozer
HGV's over taking each other at 2mph speed difference.
Lorrys overtaking for 3-5 miles on 2 lane motorways.

Lorrys drivers are not to blame for this, the uk government set the HGV speed at 60 on a motorway but the EU set the limiters to 56 max, company's screw them down to whatever to save fuel.

My recent job had a newish 60 plate do 49mph max adding 30 minute to my journey.

We are perfectly entitled to be on the roads and drive at whatever speed they go, same as every one else. All this is drummed in during HGV training which does involve motorway driving tuition.

Another gripe is people joining motorways slow, not looking then either braking or trying to speed up and undertake.

I complety agree with you that HGv's have every right to use the fast lane when needed but as anyone who regually uses the A14 any where near Bury St edmunds will be very aware of the amount of lorries (especially sugar beet lorries at this time of year) that will pull out without warning into a gap that doesnt really exist and then take many many miles and never actually get as far as overtaking the lorry they wanted to pass.

A couple of weeks ago I was in a queue of traffic for over 12 miles and by the time I got to my turning the lorry wasnt even half way past the one he was trying to overtake! Why did they feel it necessary to over take when they where going exactly the same speed? What if there had been a ambulance behind!

Of course I do appreciate that not all HGV drivers are the same as not all BMW drivers and Audi drivers wont be the same.

Another one that I haven't seen mentioned on here yet is the people who like to overtake and then slow down! I get it all the time! they come past pull in infornt of me without looking and leaving a gap and then slow down! then you go to overtake (all the time keeping exactly the same speed and then you get halfway past and they speed up! and then will get arsey that your tailgating them when actaully they just cut infront and slowed down!

Anyway, Rant over! Im off for a cup of tea and will ponder how we can solve the global economical crisis! If anyone can the LCB's clan can!

[Edited on 8/11/11 by BigFaceDave]

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posted on 8/11/11 at 10:27 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Alan M
(Those who undertake me in the middle lane, when I cant go any faster in the "faster" lane because of the 1-50 cars in front of me ....
Then bully their way back into the "faster" lane a number of cars ahead, causing the "faster" lane cars to brake)

There is no such thing as "fast lanes"!

There is a left hand lane and then 2 overtaking lanes. It is this thinking that results in the middle lane hogs, who think that the left hand lane is for lorries only and people sticking in the outside lane because they are doing the legal maximum speed


And that's why I ironically and specifically said faster.
Have you been on the M25?

∙،°. ˘Ô≈ôﺣ

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Mr Whippy

posted on 9/11/11 at 09:10 AM Reply With Quote
I like my smokey old Landrover, it gasses anyone who tries to tailgate ha ha ha

Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet

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posted on 9/11/11 at 09:29 AM Reply With Quote
There is an option for old people: why is there not an option for young drivers ?

Lke the ones who join a motorway from the slip road and shoot straight across two or three lanes to go straight into the outside lane.

I've been driving motorways for many years, usually at the maximum speed allowed and always in lane 1 until I overtake. Isn't it logical that I would be a safer motorway driver than some testosterone-filled youth who passed his test the week before ?

[Edited on 9/11/11 by Macbeast]

I'm addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop anytime.

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posted on 9/11/11 at 03:02 PM Reply With Quote
Well, in three hours time I've got to waste 4 hours of my life on a Speed Awareness Course.

And why did I get sent on one? I was caught doing 81mph on a straight wide piece of dual carriage a few miles from the start of the M23 at 7.30am on a Sunday morning in the summer - no traffic and dead straight piece of road in perfect weather conditions. Exactly the sort of road that will be made into a 80mph limit soon anyway. And they're going to try to tell me I was going too fast and driving dangerously.

So I haven't had a accident since I was a teenage - over 25 years ago, and the reckon my driving is bad. It's a f**king joke, a speed camera van on that piece of road on a Sunday morning, don't tell me it's anything but a revenue earner. I shall be sitting there sulking and playing on my phone for 4 hours.

For me it's old people and young usually women drivers - I drive past a Uni everyday and young women in small noddy cars with their faces pressed to the windscreen doing 40mph on a dual carriageway, usually chatting to their car full of mates or just looking nervous.

Like others have said - shoot anybody who sits in the middle lane.

If you're not living life on the edge you're taking up too much room.

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posted on 9/11/11 at 04:09 PM Reply With Quote
The simple answer is inattentive and under-skilled drivers, doesn't matter what type of vehicle you drive or whether you're male or female - stupidity and inattention spans all.
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posted on 9/11/11 at 04:45 PM Reply With Quote
Refresher retest every 5 years will filter all this out

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