Mr Whippy
posted on 21/7/09 at 10:39 AM |
Actually I'm finding just that damn contribution banner not coming up all the time is worth the money alone, it was very annoying
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
posted on 21/7/09 at 11:22 AM |
Ah... a timely reminder.... I Have just sent another donation to support the forum.
Without a doubt this is one of the best forum's about.
Clean, Sensible, helpful, friendly, and cheap.
These boxes cost money to run.
A Fiver wont hurt any of us.
Keep up the good work Chris.
1. The point of a journey is not to arrive.
2. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
Best Regards
posted on 21/7/09 at 12:12 PM |
I've just paid my fee as getting fed up with the pop up page too.
Personally i'd charge everyone a "nominal" £5 per year for upkeep, maintenance, new kit, software, dev time etc etc.
Anything left over i'd hold in escro for future use on the site.
making the balance and spent items published on here to show parity to all fellow users.
Well done on this site anyway.
if ebay got rid of the idiots and abusers like this then it would make life much more bearable
just my 2 pennies worth
Time for a change!
posted on 21/7/09 at 01:33 PM |
Yes of course it bloody well is, and if you don't like it pi55 off somewhere else. What's £5 for the huge wealth of knowledge that's
available on here, and all made possible by one man, ChrisW and his ever faithful sidekick Fozzie.
Seriously, if you really are that mean, then you really don't belong here.
And if you think sites like this don't cost anything to run then you really need to go away and get a life.
I think I've made that nice and clear then
Rant over ......
If you're not living life on the edge you're taking up too much room.
posted on 21/7/09 at 02:51 PM |
quote: Originally posted by DarrenW
6. AFAIK this site is not a charity. I would say it is fair for those that contribute time and effort into its smooth operation get a modest fee for
their efforts (ie Chris and Fozzie).
7. I wouldnt do it for nowt..........
6)....I also contribute to the choice.. ..... I do not get a fee.....
7) yes.... I do do it for nowt.....and gladly so
Why? well as you know this site is now huge, we have members from all walks of life, from every conceivable back-ground, from all over the
But......we all have common ground, in that we are passionate about building cars......not just seven-esque types, but all, even 3 wheelers!
We are all here to help one another, be it with advice, a few friendly words, encouragement, hands-on assistance, meetings, even step by step
'How tos' ..... not forgetting the totally 'Off Topic' help and advice on all manner of subjects......that is what makes a
forum 'great' .....
Sometimes the site has glitches, I am here to help with that, and make sure you can all get the answers to your questions, and not left standing in
the garage with bolt in hand, and oil wee-ing everywhere for too long, whilst trying to log on.....
'Racing is Life!...anything before or after is just waiting'....Steve McQueen
posted on 21/7/09 at 03:08 PM |
As I post this there have been 1797 viewings of this thread and only 54 have taken time to post a reply. Only 3% response thus far. If there is so
much apathy in the next general election we shall deserve what we get to govern the country! If only that number have or ultimately will contribute
to this forum (which is a mine of information) Chris will be struggling to buy a new server, there won' be enough for a half decent desktop!
posted on 21/7/09 at 04:54 PM |
You guys and girls are all pretty smart. Can anyone tell me what "purile" means?
I think, even though I am always one to fully take advantage of free things, that the charge is fair. Nobody wants to send to Canada for less that the
cost of British Columbia real estate anyways so it doesn't affect me adversely. But banning ChrisG just means the site is a bit duller. If it
weren't for the humour on here, I'd be in the corner of my living room in a puddle of tears, caused 100% by my dumb idea to build a
[Edited on 21/7/09 by RK]
posted on 21/7/09 at 05:09 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Fozzie
quote: Originally posted by DarrenW
6. AFAIK this site is not a charity. I would say it is fair for those that contribute time and effort into its smooth operation get a modest fee for
their efforts (ie Chris and Fozzie).
7. I wouldnt do it for nowt..........
6)....I also contribute to the choice.. ..... I do not get a fee.....
7) yes.... I do do it for nowt.....and gladly so
Why? well as you know this site is now huge, we have members from all walks of life, from every conceivable back-ground, from all over the
But......we all have common ground, in that we are passionate about building cars......not just seven-esque types, but all, even 3 wheelers!
We are all here to help one another, be it with advice, a few friendly words, encouragement, hands-on assistance, meetings, even step by step
'How tos' ..... not forgetting the totally 'Off Topic' help and advice on all manner of subjects......that is what makes a
forum 'great' .....
Sometimes the site has glitches, I am here to help with that, and make sure you can all get the answers to your questions, and not left standing in
the garage with bolt in hand, and oil wee-ing everywhere for too long, whilst trying to log on.....
Fozzie, you are great and we all love you. I know you love doing it for nowt, but to be honest no-one would begrudge a little thankyou from the pot
from time to time for a job very well done.
This thread just serves to reinforce the attitudes from the core team that we appreciate the site, the way its run and the enormous benefit we all
posted on 21/7/09 at 05:21 PM |
Thank you to all of you for your support. Glad to know our efforts are appreciated!
Cheers, Chris
posted on 21/7/09 at 05:29 PM |
regarding the views vs posts.
I've twice written a reply and decided not to hit send. Both times because someone has already said what i'm thinking.
As it seems we're voting here goes.
Fozzie (as i've said many times) i think you're wonderful and greatly appreciate all you do for us.
ChrisW - Irrespective of if i agree or disagree with what you've done its your site at the end of the day. People who complain about you
restricting their freedom of speech etc need to appreciate that.
I guess we're in what the papers call "silly season". Perhaps we should all go in the garage and make some more of our cars
(although in between sinus flare ups i'm removing a fireplace from my lounge - it seemed a good idea when i started).
posted on 21/7/09 at 05:39 PM |
What a great idea, if you contribute you get to see the bargains first, if not you don't, who can complain at that?
It was this site that pushed me over the edge in to car building and without the resources and the experience this site affords, then there is no way
I could do it on my own. I pick my chassis up on the 1st August and then I will be asking 100s of questions and I know each one of them will be
answered by a great bunch of people who take the time and effort to reply to what probably is for them a basic question, and to a, on the most part,
total stranger. I really do appreciate the help I have got and will get over the next few months / years building my car and I am glad I found this
I have a fair idea how much it costs to run this forum and Chrisw is not making money off of it, if everyone contributed £5 per annum he might end up
with a very small profit, but who cares and who would grudge him it for all of the work he must do?
Just my tuppence worth.
My wife is very understanding, she understands that if I am in the garage I am not in the house annoying her.
posted on 22/7/09 at 01:20 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Actually I'm finding just that damn contribution banner not coming up all the time is worth the money alone, it was very annoying
That contribution banner is the least annoying and unobtrusive thing on all the forums I've seen. Far less annoying than adverts flashing down
the side (for the full length of the thread too) or even a 15 second banner every time you log on, that comes with a "skip" button that
does nothing. £5 contribution is stuff all, unless you're unemployed or (like me) not getting paid for the work you do (different rant
Stop winging he's right to ask for it! Jeez this forum is the only place that's got my phone number!
posted on 22/7/09 at 03:02 PM |
This site is simultaneously informative, entertaining and even witty at times. Well worth a fiver, particularly if you benefit directly from the For
Sale section as a buyer or seller, as I have.
All of life is here, unfortunately.
Just cough up! I wouldn't complain if the contribution became annual.
posted on 22/7/09 at 03:19 PM |
I've just become a contributor, it's a shame it took something like this to make me realise that i should do it.
I should of contributed years ago as i wouldn't have been able to build and sva my car without the wealth of knowledge and experience from
people on this site, i guess we take things for granted sometimes eh...
At the end of the day a fiver (or however much you choose to donate) is a bargain, could you imagine how much it would cost to find out/carry out the
things that people tell you for free on here..?!
It's just a shame chrisw decided to ban chris from here, its one less knowledgeable person's input/experience (and humour) gone from the
site and we will all suffer for it i suppose...
[Edited on 22/7/09 by foes]