posted on 7/6/12 at 12:57 PM |
Gear box oil - over flow
I have a type 9 and last night i was filling the box (i've had the engine and bow out), when i got to 1.5 litres the oil started flowing out
filler hole onto the floor.
when the box was out i had a look inside and i could seen no oil, the box is supposed to hold 1.9 litres but i only got 1.5 litres in.
is there a sump / baffle in the box that would have hidden some oil so when i looked in it looked empty?
as you sit in the car and look forward i'm using the plug on the passenger side half way up the box to fill it (looks like the only filler hole
on the box) or am i wrong?
do some type 9 boxes have a lot smaller oil capacities than others?
part of me says its got oil in ao dont bother while another part says its got 1.5 ltr not 1.9 ltr so worry. which part of me is correct
posted on 7/6/12 at 02:12 PM |
I'd be tempted to run it around the block and then check the level again.
You might be able to get a bit more in then.
posted on 7/6/12 at 02:48 PM |
You can also fill the box from the top with the cover off.. But as you say the drain/fill plug is at the correct oil level. You could check the oil
level by taking a look thought the top cover? Any how so long as the box is level and the oil's at the drain/fill plug it's full. But as
above short drive round the block then check the level/fill as required would be a good idea.
[Edited on 7/6/12 by Bluemoon]
dave r
posted on 7/6/12 at 04:53 PM |
i have seen type 9's with different oil capacitys....
if you look on the side caseing, the filler/level hole can be drilled at different levels...
haynes lists at least 2 levels, some are below the filler hole
the gears themselves hold a lot of oil even when they are drained
I'd love to give my imaginary friend a great big hug,
but this jacket makes it impossible.
posted on 7/6/12 at 07:11 PM |
many thank lads, i will drive it around a bit and then try again.
at the mo my garage is flooded so my sanctuary is out of bounds.