posted on 1/7/05 at 04:48 PM |
Help!!!!!! Won't start
Right engine specs
vulcan 1700 xFlow 135 bhp spec
Twin 40 dcoe carbs
Aldon Dizzy
Aldon Ignitor II (replaces points with magnetic pick up)
Flamethrower coil
Engine has always started and run fine before, drove off the drive other day, engine died and would not restart, when it did was firing through carbs
(seemed to be cylinder 1 and 2) and out of exhaust, and ran rough then died again.
now won't start just fires out of exhaust.
have checked
petrol at carbs and in tank
changed dizzy cap+rotor arm
checked static timing
compression tested engine
charged battery
have spark at all four plugs
[Edited on 1/7/05 by rayward]
posted on 1/7/05 at 05:09 PM |
And you haven't messed about with plug leads ? Not 1342 firing order.
Sorry if I'm a mile off and you already know this.
posted on 1/7/05 at 05:22 PM |
Coil? Carb to manifold gaskets gone?
Built the purple peril!! Let the modifications begin!!
rusty nuts
posted on 1/7/05 at 05:55 PM |
What sort of seal are you using at the carb to manifold connection? , the sort that use "o" rings can cause problems similar to yours if
the seal gets blown out or sucked in , just a few minutes work to check?
posted on 4/7/05 at 10:59 AM |
got it running today, turned out to be the rotor arm, the spare i tried was duff aswell.
thanks for all your hel.
omega 24 v6
posted on 4/7/05 at 11:47 AM |
We had probs with the hot rod rotor arms on the 2ltr pinto ( Cost us 2 scottish opens :mad they burn out across the top contact apparantly
theres a doobrie inside that does'nt like the high voltage coils that we were using (acording to the guy at the autosport show we should just
use a std sierra coil).
posted on 4/7/05 at 12:56 PM |
sound about right, i've got a flame thrower coil, and the rotor arm has some sort of radio suppression gismo inside it, i'm gonna see if i
can find one with the solid copper bit acroos the top that will fit.