posted on 2/11/07 at 02:32 PM |
Cable roueting to the rear
Someone raised this recentlyas part of a general query.
As a result of that and before I start rewiring is anyone able to advise whether running the harness to the rear on the same side of the
transmission tunnel to the fuel pipes (copper) is absolutely forbidden?
I've scanned the SVA manual and there doesn't seem to be any thing excluding them running on the same side providing the wires are covered
(I've used slit tubing), securely fixed and fixings spaced correctly.
What do you's think?
Also I've used copper clips on the cupro-nickel brake pipes on the grounds that the pipe is harder than the clip - will that be OK?
Cheers, Pewe.
posted on 2/11/07 at 02:40 PM |
I can't see any issue with running them down the same side of the tunnel myself provided they are not touching each other and are correctly
I would question the use of cooper clips to hold the fuel pip in place. I believe SVA will look for plastic or rubber lined metal P clips or similar.
posted on 2/11/07 at 02:42 PM |
If the wires get hot enough to melt through copper fuel pipe you've got serious problems
posted on 2/11/07 at 06:43 PM |
It's best to use rubber/plastic lined P clips to support lines and wires.
posted on 2/11/07 at 07:49 PM |
Thanks guys. As ever one step forwards and two back. Cheers, Pewe