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we all need to sign this please
repper - 23/8/08 at 07:04 PM

as a local to elvington i would much appreciate it if you could all help buy filling this in it take 1 min max

cheers jim (and all us that use the track)

theconrodkid - 23/8/08 at 07:09 PM


clairetoo - 23/8/08 at 07:11 PM


RichieW - 23/8/08 at 07:14 PM

me too

indykid - 23/8/08 at 07:20 PM

me too


adithorp - 23/8/08 at 07:33 PM



carlgeldard - 23/8/08 at 07:43 PM


ecosse - 23/8/08 at 07:45 PM




smart51 - 23/8/08 at 07:47 PM

This is a good petition. not just motorsport related. not even particularly motorsport related but will only do track days good. I have signed and will forward on.

f1ngers - 23/8/08 at 08:44 PM

I will pass the link on.

DRC INDY 7 - 23/8/08 at 08:44 PM


meany - 23/8/08 at 08:59 PM


bilbo - 23/8/08 at 09:00 PM


I've been fed up recently with lots of requests to sign one wishy washy petition or another, but this one I agree whole heartedly with - good job.

[Edited on 23/8/08 by bilbo]

David Jenkins - 23/8/08 at 09:01 PM

Having seen several such incidents in my region over the past few years (private airfields, a bloke who ran a model steam train in his garden, and so on) - I've signed.

miikae - 23/8/08 at 09:28 PM

Done , i just it hope that it will sort out and shutup those moaning at anything farts .

Long Live Our Motor Sports Heritage .


asl - 23/8/08 at 09:51 PM


iscmatt - 23/8/08 at 10:09 PM


Chippy - 23/8/08 at 10:28 PM

Signed. Ray

LBMEFM - 23/8/08 at 11:00 PM


Liam - 23/8/08 at 11:32 PM

Excellent one - signed

les g - 23/8/08 at 11:44 PM

live in a village in the SE of Cornwall ( by choice and rite) and pissed off with townies trying to change it to how it was back home ie (f### Back their/there)
for eg : we built a track for the kids ,pit bikes and scramblers on the edge of the village (open to anybody) and the bloody emmets dont like it
WTF ;;;; i know wher my boy is he aint vadalising something he's up the track with all the other kids
and it only costs me about a fiver in petrol a weekend
cheers lesg

Macbeast - 24/8/08 at 05:06 AM

Well ok, done.

But what's the point? They're not going to take any notice. 1.7 million signed the petition against road pricing and they're still going to bring it in, with trials in several areas quite soon.

These on-line petitions are just designed to give us a feeling that we live in a democracy while they carry on doing whatever the f... they want. Smoke and mirrors.

Gezza - 24/8/08 at 06:20 AM


kelloggs - 24/8/08 at 07:37 AM


gttztt - 24/8/08 at 08:11 AM


novacaine - 24/8/08 at 10:33 AM

done and will get everyone at work to sign it, as we are having trouble with the same thing

MikeR - 24/8/08 at 10:34 AM


Had a friend who almost moved next to mallory park. The person selling only let them view at certain times. It was an idillic house, in an idillic setting. Partner is a painter / picture framer and wanted somewhere quiet in the countryside to work. They where about to put an offer on.

I told her to take another look the following weekend - at the following times (times when they weren't available to have a viewing and it just happened Mallory had a classic car race on).

Once she came back i made sure she read the diary for mallory so she knew how often it would happen.

She was VERY grateful - i'm sure the seller wasn't.

repper - 25/8/08 at 11:21 AM

chears guys

David Jenkins - 25/8/08 at 02:47 PM

Maybe these new 'home owner selling packs' or whatever they're called ought to have a compulsory section that covers 'things that can sometimes be noisy or disruptive in the neighbourhood'. If you know there's a racetrack or private airfield nearby, and you've still bought the house, then you should have no right to complain! (Not that I think you should have such a right anyway, if whatever it is has been there long before moving in).

For example, I live in a village with fields next door. Several times a year we get tractors and farm machinery working from dawn to way past dusk, we frequently get evil smells when they spray muck on the fields, and so on. I wouldn't dream of complaining (a) because they were doing it long before I arrived, and (b) if you don't like smells, don't live in the countryside!