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Do you need a front grille for IVA?
Piooly - 16/2/15 at 05:54 PM

Ok so lotus seven style car nose cone. Do you have to fit a grille to pass the IVA or will it fail without one?

I have a radiator and oil rad in mine, they are set back somewhat so nothing is poking out...

jacko - 16/2/15 at 06:03 PM

I would say yes

CosKev3 - 16/2/15 at 06:11 PM

I would guess your oil cooler/rad and inner edges of nose cone would need to meet the radius requirements with no grille.

AndyW - 16/2/15 at 06:40 PM

I used one of these GBS Grille

I got the painted one, as the link is bare metal but for the sake of £8 or £10 plus a bit of postage not worth not fitting. Also as above everything in the nose would no doubt be looked at for sharp edges.

Piooly - 16/2/15 at 11:34 PM

Ok thank you for your thoughts people, grille it is! Dam it, yet another job to do before IVA.. Oh well.

loggyboy - 17/2/15 at 07:05 AM

I would imagine this part would apply.

Where a vehicle consists of a frame structure or the surface has holes or sections without body panels fitted, all parts that are accessible with a 100mm sphere from the exterior of the vehicle are assessed against the criteria of this section, however where such items are deemed to be located within the interior of the vehicle, this section will only apply where they are located no more than 200mm from the outermost external surface surrounding the hole/gap and they are not an exempt item as listed in the Inspection Requirements of section 12.

The Black Flash - 17/2/15 at 10:58 AM

As above, you don't need a grill per se, but you will almost certainly need something to stop the sphere of doom comming into contact with the radiator/fan. I used a single bit of stainless tube, sikaflexed in place - depends on how big the hole is.

SteveWallace - 17/2/15 at 05:02 PM

Isn't the point of a grill also to stop bits off the road making a mess of your radiator? If so, perhaps its worth putting one on regardless of whether or not you can find a way past the IVA man without one.

renetom - 17/2/15 at 05:29 PM

Made our own, 2 strips of aly & stainless
15mm plumbing pipe , its thin walled & very light.
good luck


Marcus - 17/2/15 at 06:38 PM

I just went for 4 x 10mm stainless steel tube nicked from work

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