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OT - Kenwood chef died :(
mcerd1 - 1/11/11 at 10:20 AM

way off topic today....

I got an old kenwood chef A901 off my mum when upgraded (its a 1970's vintage)
it had died before but that was just the brushes and now its gone again

this time its the whole speed control nob that fallen out the side - sending it into some kind of super speed overdrive mode which sprayed milk over the whole kitchen (it would have been funny if it wasn't mine )

I've found a few places offering repairs all the way up to full recons (for £50 to £150) and a new machine is out of the question - but I suspect that its a £5 bit of plastic thats broken but I'm having trouble finding bits or any kind of parts book/ repair manual (I'm not even sure how it comes apart - its a bit like a chinese puzzle box)

does anyone know these machines or can anyone recomend a source of the spares ? (kenwood don't do the bits for mine anymore)


[Edited on 1/11/2011 by mcerd1]

chesney321 - 1/11/11 at 10:36 AM

just had a look.go to and go to the section for chef spares.they should have what you want.just saw the control knob for 2.50 and the holder for 2.50.hope this helps

HowardB - 1/11/11 at 12:25 PM

Kenwood themselves are a great help, I have a similar model, and they were even interested enough to tell me when it was made!

Good luck

Peteff - 1/11/11 at 12:53 PM

A couple of years ago I bought a new motor and controller and fitted it to our Kenwood for the total sum of £35 from a local electrical shop having a clear out. He showed me how to set the speed controller up to get a good low speed. A recon for £50 is good. There are lots of suppliers on the net for different parts and new attachments and even machines turning up on ebay, we got a spare for £20 local pick up only.

stevebubs - 1/11/11 at 01:42 PM

mcerd1 - 3/11/11 at 10:47 AM

cheers all

its actually this bit I thought had broken: speed control cam (you can't get new ones anymore )

but it turns out its just the shaft its on has pulled out of the motor cassing
so some loctite and a tap with a hammer and we should be back in buisness for zero ££

[Edited on 3/11/2011 by mcerd1]

HowardB - 3/11/11 at 12:03 PM

lowest of all low cost solutions!

AdamR - 3/11/11 at 02:24 PM

You need Kewood Chef Restore! They did an incredible job of fixing up our 1950's A700D. Highly recommended indeed.

mcerd1 - 3/11/11 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by AdamR
They did an incredible job of fixing up our 1950's A700D. Highly recommended indeed.

cheers - thats good to know

but I hope I'm sorted now - all things considered its not done bad 33 years hard labour

[Edited on 3/11/2011 by mcerd1]

mcerd1 - 3/11/11 at 11:54 PM

sorted all working perfectly again - so more baking for me this weekend

Mixer Fail
Mixer Fail

Mixer Fixed :)
Mixer Fixed :)

[Edited on 3/11/2011 by mcerd1]