posted on 2/4/08 at 10:12 AM |
Transfering tax on tin top
I taxed my car in january for 12 months. I will be looking at getting a new(er) car in the next couple of weeks and I'm just wondering what the
best way of swapping tax over is.
Option 1: I presume there's a way of doing a direct transfer at the post office?
Option 2: Cash in the old tax disc (again, I guess post office, or send it to swansea?) and then buy a new one for the new car
Option 3: Cash in old one, but try and get the dealer to supply some tax on new car, ie use it as part of a deal sweetener.
Any other options?
Any comments on which would save me the most money? Which is the easiest?
Never had to do it before, so am unsure whats best. I suppose I could just tipex the reg number off and write in the new number
Thanks in advance,
Paul TigerB6
posted on 2/4/08 at 10:34 AM |
Definately go for option 3. If the best you can do is get 6 months out of them then its going to be worth offering to pay the extra to get 12.
Failing that option 2.
Option 1 isnt an option - its non transferrable.
posted on 2/4/08 at 10:37 AM |
quote: Originally posted by balidey
Option 1: I presume there's a way of doing a direct transfer at the post office?
Tippex out the old reg on the disc and write the new one on.
oh, hang on, it's not Arpil 1st anymore
posted on 2/4/08 at 11:04 AM |
you have to either post the tax disk or go to your DVLA office to get a refund.
and it should be posted recorded delivery (annoying isn't it).
I'm still waiting for my cash back 4 weeks after posting.
posted on 2/4/08 at 11:11 AM |
Yep, options 2 and 3 are ok, tax disc is not transferable....
posted on 2/4/08 at 01:32 PM |
I dont like option 3. I like the dealer paying bit but not them doing it for you. Ive had a dealer tax a car for me before and it added an owner onto
the logbook. They said they had to fill in the V5 / tax application form so PO could issue it. Not sure if they did it right or not but watch out. It
might be better for them to just discount the car or give you the money to tax it yourself.
I cant help thinking my BMW came taxed and the dealer didnt have to register it first - maybe some have better arrangement with DVLA.
Whatever happens cash in old disc before end of April.
posted on 2/4/08 at 02:43 PM |
The dealer usually asks for your cover note, registers it to you, and taxes on your behalf.
With online everything, that should now be much easier as your insurance will show online to DVLA at the point of taxing, and the car is new and is in
the system as needing no MOT, or has online MOT by now.
Still trying to convince myself I believe the last paragraph
posted on 2/4/08 at 06:28 PM |
Whenever I have changed a car I always get the dealer to tax it, so option 3. All the better if you get them to throw 6 months tax into the deal.
Need to supply them with certificate / cover note of insurance (and the cash normally) and then they toddle of and get it covered for you.
Any other ways would be tricky as it illegal for you to drive of the fourcourt with no tax!
Option 1 - is not an option as tax is not transferreable and
Option 2 - Sending it away for a refund works fine but then you are out of pocket until the DVLA decide to send you the money back. Obviously if you
get your tax thrown in the wait isn't so bad!
There is no replacement for displacement...