posted on 18/5/04 at 09:52 AM |
I've found Mark at Mac#1 always really happy to help even just for advise, let alone buying anything, they always ansa the phone too:
0114 2619 633
David Jenkins
posted on 18/5/04 at 09:53 AM |
I think that most of the smaller companies like MK have such small profit margins that employing someone who isn't actually producing goods
isn't practical...
...and there's only so much goodwill to be had from a poorly-paid wife as the months go on!
I do agree that basic public relations is a must, even if a large part of the time is wasted on maybe-builders and tyre-kickers.
Perhaps people like Martin Keenan should put something on their website that states the best way to get in touch, and when, e.g. phone, between 12:00
and 14:00.
posted on 20/5/04 at 09:39 PM |
I agree with Mark H - how much business do some companies lose through their totally product led organisation rather than having a customer focus? A
good customer relationship scheme doesn't need to cost the earth (no more than one persons time within the average kit company) and if profit
margins are that tight they can't afford that with the potential gains they should make from returning calls (or even answering them to start
with) then they may not be in business for long.
I seem to have the same opinion as AlanB - ignore customers at your peril. There is always an alternative for them, and they will only put up with bad
service for so long.
An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less
posted on 20/5/04 at 10:58 PM |
Totally agree with you, but then how many blue smarties can anyone scoff before being sick of the sight of them?
posted on 20/5/04 at 11:05 PM |
Originally posted by M@Triton
Totally agree with you, but then how many blue smarties can anyone scoff before being sick of the sight of them? [/quote
David Jenkins
posted on 21/5/04 at 07:44 AM |
quote: Originally posted by andyps
I seem to have the same opinion as AlanB - ignore customers at your peril. There is always an alternative for them, and they will only put up with bad
service for so long.
...and that's why little companies can grow up to be huge, by being good with their customers, e.g. Westfield.
If you want to know how good they are, ask Westfield for a brochure and wait for the keen sales pitch (and follow-up calls). They are VERY keen!
posted on 21/5/04 at 02:14 PM |
I phoned them once for a brochure of the SDV and i was still getting phone calls 6 months later, they never pestered though always very friendly,
offering me visits round the factory etc. I just never had the heart to tell them i had already bought a kit!
Im sure if some of the smaller companies employed someone to do the paperwork and answer the phone they would sell alot more kits. Even if they only
worked half days and they let the customers know that was the time to call for questions.
When i went to MK there was a couple of extra bits i needed, someone wrote down the details and my address, then they tucked it into one of the beams
in the roof of the office, "just so i know where it is"!The parts did arrive, but im sure there is a more effiecent method.
The Magnificent 7!
posted on 21/5/04 at 08:29 PM |
quote: Originally posted by David Jenkins
...and that's why little companies can grow up to be huge, by being good with their customers, e.g. Westfield.
If you want to know how good they are, ask Westfield for a brochure and wait for the keen sales pitch (and follow-up calls). They are VERY keen!
I had the same experience - no hassle when I said I would be waiting to make a decision, they would contact me then - and they did.
An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less
posted on 21/5/04 at 08:59 PM |
Because they are!
posted on 21/5/04 at 09:15 PM |
Oh yes. I bet you are really caterham cars.
Just in case you are....
that program you made for BBC about a seven replacement - the one that was meant to be with reynard?
posted on 21/5/04 at 09:25 PM |
posted on 21/5/04 at 09:31 PM |
posted on 21/5/04 at 09:46 PM |
quote: Originally posted by CHUCKUFARLEY
its your first day, so I will let you off.
Once you take some time to actually get to know the forum, you will find that there are many diverse cars on here, like steve grabers and alan
btw - you need to turn your caps lock key off....
[Edited on 21/5/04 by stephen_gusterson]
posted on 21/5/04 at 09:47 PM |
quote: Originally posted by caterhamcars
well, if you are caterham cars, you just proved that ignorance isnt just for kit car co's - it come from the 'source'.
If you are not, a little email to them that you are fraudulently posting as them could be sent....
[Edited on 21/5/04 by stephen_gusterson]
Mark Allanson
posted on 21/5/04 at 10:40 PM |
quote: Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
Oh yes. I bet you are really caterham cars.
Just in case you are....
that program you made for BBC about a seven replacement - the one that was meant to be with reynard?
Was that the one where the boss had independantly operating orbits, if he was a punk in his youth, he would have looked like one of those lizards you
see on Attenborough
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 21/5/04 at 11:03 PM |
I dont remember the boss in it.
Just the fact it was an hr long program, when people just talked and talked, had meetings about meetings, couldnt make a single decision.
Nothing ever got made and reynard were bust (not related) at the end.
It was a really good example of how to get caught up in total crap and waffle and lose site of what you were supposed to be doing in the first
posted on 22/5/04 at 07:13 AM |
My 2p's worth....
Tiger get a lot of flack on here, mostly by people who are not building one, and very often by people who are not building anything. I know about
there grp probs but as for all the others.
"won't sell you a part if your not buying a kit" or "crap customer service" not true, they have always been very good
with me
Go see these companies,chat with them and make up your own mind, theres a lot of slagging off on here that seems to be built on heresay.
Weekend rant over
<- Me!
posted on 22/5/04 at 09:14 AM |
I watched the caterham program and had a mixture of emotions. I felt proud that they wanted to maintain the heritage etc but couldn't believe
how much time they wasted - In the space of that year Westfield brought out the mid engined monster!!!
Sometimes its just better to give it a go - although having already been burnt by the 21 I can understand their reluctance.
hmmm, not really saying a lot am i
posted on 22/5/04 at 09:20 AM |
quote: Originally posted by gjn200
My 2p's worth....
"won't sell you a part if your not buying a kit" or "crap customer service" not true, they have always been very good
with me
Weekend rant over
Something must have changed. I was turned down when I asked them if I could buy parts, and wasnt a builder. Just cos you have had a positive
experience doenst meant it hasnt happened for others.....
posted on 22/5/04 at 10:29 AM |
Think something has changed!!
Just checked my answer m/c from last night: A message from Laura at tiger asking if I'd received the information requested and how I was
getting on!!
Looking at the big picture I bet the kit car companies get fed up with people phoning and saying " I'm building an 'X' will
your bit 'Y' fit?" You would'nt go into a ford garage and ask if a focus steering wheel will fit a vectra would you?
<- Me!
Surrey Dave
posted on 22/5/04 at 02:58 PM |
Low Brand Strength
If I remember correctly the upshot off the BBC programe was that , the Caterham brand was not strong and what ever they built would not sell on its
own merits.
So they have been successful on the back of the 'Lotus' and 'Colin Chapman name, that said they undoubtedly manufacture a quality
product, or should I say Arch Motors do!
[Edited on 27/5/04 by Surrey Dave]
posted on 22/5/04 at 03:01 PM |
At the time, they did a morgan replica - it was bought from another co and they have since sold it on. I asked in email if I could buy any of their
grp body parts. I just got blank refused. I didnt ask anythign about would it fit - just a general question.
quote: Originally posted by gjn200
Think something has changed!!
Just checked my answer m/c from last night: A message from Laura at tiger asking if I'd received the information requested and how I was
getting on!!
Looking at the big picture I bet the kit car companies get fed up with people phoning and saying " I'm building an 'X' will
your bit 'Y' fit?" You would'nt go into a ford garage and ask if a focus steering wheel will fit a vectra would you?
posted on 22/5/04 at 07:54 PM |
"Looking at the big picture I bet the kit car companies get fed up with people phoning and saying " I'm building an 'X'
will your bit 'Y' fit?" You would'nt go into a ford garage and ask if a focus steering wheel will fit a vectra would you?
You just hit the nail well and firmly on the noggin there matey.......i thank you.
posted on 22/5/04 at 08:48 PM |
on the other hand......
there are two major electronics component suppliers in the UK. The biggest is RS and the next is Farnell.
Years ago, I sent by mistake an RS order to Farnell. Several parts were on it. They took the time to convert all the numbers to their own equivalent
and supplied the order.
Robin hood's lolocost (albiet not a quality example) specilise in supplying bits to builders - they dont know where they are going to - ie car
type. As does europa spares.
Something like a fuel filler cap, switches, dials, shocks, etc, could be fairly universally sold. Dismissing out of hand would just lose business. Of
course, some parts clearly may not be interchangeable, and could be supplied on non return basis..... or indeed not at all.
In my line of work we do all we can to get an order, cos its a competitive business......and lets face it, everyone and their dog in the kit world
makes a seven replica.
posted on 22/5/04 at 11:11 PM |
My dog can't weld for peanuts, just sh!ts on the lawn while I do all the work
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.