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Author: Subject: Good Grief...

posted on 6/8/10 at 02:51 PM Reply With Quote
they are fairly standard tactics, the screaming / smashing windows is a shock tactic, stops them trying to drive off etc.
they did try the door after the first hit.

they were also probably aware the doors would be locked, all high end and now quite a few lower end cars lock when you drive off and only open when you pull the handle from the inside.

but what does he expect? failiure to stop isnt going to end well

[Edited on 6/8/10 by dan__wright]


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posted on 6/8/10 at 03:02 PM Reply With Quote
This isn't specifically aimed at you dan, more the sentiment of the thread.

I don't believe people think that this bloke lost all his rights as soon as he drove off. As I've said it was a nonviolent and victimless act.

The police response should have been proportionate.

If someone knocks over my drink, they're in the wrong but I don't follow up with a right hook. I'd deal with it in a measured way.


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posted on 6/8/10 at 03:13 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by cd.thomson
This isn't specifically aimed at you dan, more the sentiment of the thread.

I don't believe people think that this bloke lost all his rights as soon as he drove off. As I've said it was a nonviolent and victimless act.

The police response should have been proportionate.

If someone knocks over my drink, they're in the wrong but I don't follow up with a right hook. I'd deal with it in a measured way.

thats true but then they probably didnt knock your drink over on purpose....

what if someone knocked your drink over, maybe by accident, apologise then threw it on the floor (seems more relevant to the sequence of events!)

the fact he drove off and had markers on pnc against his reg they dont know what he could have on him.

just seems if the police go in heavy handed they get bashed, yet if they dont go in heavy handed and something goes wrong them get a bashing too....

also, if he had of opened the door they wouldnt have to grab him through the window.

they may of used excessive force but they guy didn't do himself any favours, if he hadnt of bolted in the first place it would never of happened!

and no, i work in IT

[Edited on 6/8/10 by dan__wright]

[Edited on 6/8/10 by dan__wright]


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posted on 6/8/10 at 03:52 PM Reply With Quote
If the window had broken on the first hit, would we be talking about the same "rage"? we wouldn't.
These guys make an assesment of the scene as they find it with the what they have and what they know. Geting the driver out or disabling the vehicle stops the "aged and fragile" old tw@t driving over people as he tries to escape again. 3 tons of blinged pimp mobile makes a mess. If he has previous and gets to drive off again, at what point does he eventually stop?

What Stavros Flatly is doing on the bonnet is anyones guess although that might be the only window that they can see through.


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posted on 6/8/10 at 03:53 PM Reply With Quote
Bit of to-ing and fro-ing going on in this thread, so just to be clear... I'm not all that bothered about how shocked or upset the bloke in the RR was (or claims to have been).

What I'm saying is that the two Policemen made an ass of themselves! It is NEVER safe to stand in front of or behind a vehicle that has failed-to-stop... to jump on the bonnet is just plain suicidal! It cannot be defended and I'm sure he will be getting the pee ripped out of him by his mates for it!

There's a suggestion that Mr Angry did try to open the door... no he didn't - it was a flat hand against the door panel to gain balance and produce greater force!

I appreciate that 'aggression' is a legitimate tactic when trying to gain control of a situation, particularly 'hard-stops' (a pre-planned operation to take a moving car out where the occupants are expected to be armed and/or dangerous). But just because you occasionally see it on programmes like 'Police Camera Action' does not make it the norm!

My own personal ethos for dealing with confrontation is to start with the lowest-level of engagement that you possibly can, then ratchet it up from there. Quickly if needs be, and very occasionally to deadly levels, but begin at the top and you have nowhere else to go! What was this Officer going to do if he couldn't batter his way through the window (it happens... a lot!). Start wailing and banging his head on the floor like a deranged-toddler until the driver got out and gave him what he wanted!?

This was a classic example of 'red-mist'. Humans are animals and we all get excited by the 'chase'! Police Officers are well warned about it and expected to keep it in check. The circumstances of this fail-to-stop were not such that you would expect there to have been such a flow of adrenaline... perhaps Baton-Boy was fairly young in service, or is just a naturally angry-man! Either way, IMHO they made asses of themselves and have brought the Police Service into disrepute.

They need a counseling session!

Of course I could be wrong... I frequently am!

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flak monkey

posted on 6/8/10 at 05:16 PM Reply With Quote
The bloke on the bonnet is plain stupid, but the smashing the side window on failure to stops is as far as I know standard practice.

Other than the PC on the bonnet I dont see anything particular heavy handed there....

Would you be saying the same if it had been a 20something they had pulled from the car?


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posted on 6/8/10 at 06:02 PM Reply With Quote
... all I'm suggesting is that he just might have thought to try opening the door first! Who knows... it might even have opened!

If it didn't then maybe shout that you are about to cave in the window... and if he won't open it, then bash away!

That said, if he's uncooperative or violent (as many are following a 'fail-to-stop' incident) then what are you going to do next once the window is broken!? You're not going to reach in to grab keys or try and open the door. That's another no-no... there have been a number of Officers killed trying to do this whereby the driver took off dragging them down the road!

It's Evolution Baby!

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posted on 6/8/10 at 07:53 PM Reply With Quote
i would normally agree and suggest a boot in the teeth as he fell, but it was hardly a skin of the teeth chase, was it?! Fair doo's, had it been backwards round roundabouts, at 100mph, with a few collisions along the way, i'd join the queue to put the boot in. But that was a 30mph chase! An appropriate level of retribution would probably have been nothing more than slamming his door harder than he liked, not smashing the car up. Banning and fining him in court would have been plenty enough.

Beware! Bourettes is binfectious.

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posted on 7/8/10 at 06:29 AM Reply With Quote
He could have been a farmer, with a shotgun.. Police do get shot at..

I'm not sure I'd want to take the risk, if I ever arrested anyone they'd be face down with me pinning them down so thet can't do anything.

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posted on 7/8/10 at 11:17 AM Reply With Quote
The bloke in the Range Rover with the blacked out windows and stupid numer plates has previous.

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