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Author: Subject: Will Clarkson's BBC Career Survive...

posted on 1/12/11 at 05:31 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by spiderman
Originally posted by designer
Thing is I agree with him.

Every worker should get the same pension reward, and the same retirement age.

Why should some be more privileged than another?

Mind you, I also think Top Gear is rubbish!

It is a well known fact that civil servants are paid well below what the public sector are paid. I work for the MOD and I get job satisfaction knowing that what I do is worthwhile and is actually of benefit to our serving soldiers, but the pay is crap and the only saving grace is that there may be a reasonable pension at the end of all the dedication I have put in to helping out those who's lives may depend upon what I do.
Not all civil servants are on £100,000+pa in actual fact most of use earn about 20% of that so do not paint us all with the same brush, thinking that we are only after a free ride and looking for a guilt edged retirement.
I am a technician of 30 years experience and 10 years ago I was earning 50% more than I am now but hated the fact that I was just making the Board of Directors and the shareholders rich and not really contributing to society in any useful way apart from paying tax.
My pension after over 20 years of service, at 65, will be around £6000pa, hardly a fortune, as long as the Government do not retrospectivly change the rules which is what they have done to some workers and probably will again before my time is up.
Lastly, No I did not go on strike.

As soon as someone says..well known fact the alarms go off. If a fact is well known or not is irrelevant. There is no evidence that public sector workers are paid less than the private sector according to the Hutton enquiry. In fact the public sector has received payrises over the last 3 years whereas private sector wages has dropped considerably (mine is down 15% in that period and my private pension is worth less than the 15 years worth of money I've paid into it).

The country can't afford to pay the pensions to public sectors workers as they stand....simple as that.

[Edited on 1/12/11 by jeffw]

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posted on 1/12/11 at 05:46 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Irony
Originally posted by CRAIGR
Top gear watchers are gay

Do you have book or a DVD coming out for Christmas?

Nope, just himself, out of the closet. No idea what he was doing in the closet but there were a bunch of gays in there

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posted on 1/12/11 at 05:47 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by angliamotorsport

Oh, and being a watcher of top gear makes me "gay", nothing against gays, but that deserves a smacker, happy to oblige any time.

Pardon !!

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posted on 1/12/11 at 05:47 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by angliamotorsport
I agree with Clarkson's general view, maybe not shooting though and as for top gear, yes he is a knob, the Hamster is a waste of space, mind you a very small space, but it does make good entertainment as opposed to serious car stuff.

Oh, and being a watcher of top gear makes me "gay", nothing against gays, but that deserves a smack, happy to oblige any time.

Nothing to do with your quote, but EVERY time I see your avatar, I curse myself for not buying that Van Diemen!

It's Evolution Baby!

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posted on 1/12/11 at 05:53 PM Reply With Quote
Yes he will survive, hes a comedian, comedians dont get sacked for racist jokes! Its his job......

And yes i dont think the strikers should be on strike because our country is having to cut back lots of various things to allow us the chance to improve our economy and they should realise this.

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posted on 1/12/11 at 06:00 PM Reply With Quote
scoots, Yes! I just love it, now got zx in it, AB did a great job.
Sorry, nothing to do with Clakson, I would not let him within a million miles of it

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posted on 1/12/11 at 06:01 PM Reply With Quote
Actually Clakson does sound better!
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posted on 1/12/11 at 06:11 PM Reply With Quote
I've no sympathy with them going on strike either. The simple fact is the government employs too many jobsworths anyway and it can no longer afford them. Jezza for Prezza then. At least it'd keep him away from cars.


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posted on 1/12/11 at 06:12 PM Reply With Quote
He was invited on to the programme precisely because he makes outrageous right wing comments. If they had wanted a loony left wing apologist for the strikers they would have asked Polly Toynbee, who would have elicited different but equally sanctimonious responses

If you want to blame anybody, blame the programme producers... they are out to make good television and don't care about the consequences.

Rules are for the guidance of wise men ... and the obedience of fools. (anon)

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ali f27

posted on 1/12/11 at 06:24 PM Reply With Quote
though i do have some sympathy for public sector workers they are probs going to have to pay for the mess the city has got us into like everyone else would have more sympathy if tax office worked, defra and csa worked most gov departments seem to be badly run what can we say i am having to work harder and longer to get my business to survive .
Thats maby what cameron means by big socity all in the sh..t together

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Paul (Notts)

posted on 1/12/11 at 06:41 PM Reply With Quote
I find it very saddening that some of the comments imply that public sector workers, like myself, are over paid: lazy: inline for gilt edged pensions and as one post says jobsworths.

I fully understand that the economic situation is very bad ( some of it due to recent mismanagement ) . However a lot of the changes that are taking place to public sector pensions and wages are an over response to the situation and a clear attack and TAX aimed at the public sector.

Lord Hutton and the governments own audit office clearly state that the public sector pensions require less radical changes to ensure they reduce in cost as a % of the GDP.

This is how it affects me… A teacher with 22 years pension contributions already and looking to do another 16 years so that I can retire at 60.

I get no pay rise for 3 years ( I understand that)
then only 1% not the 2% that we had agreed.

Change to average earnings - ok no problems Ill take a knock.
get significantly less pension - ( starting to to get a little )
pay in significantly more – almost double my monthly contribution ( This is just a tax to help the government - it does not pay my pension fund)
Work till I am 67 - not possible as a teacher in a state school.

Do you want 67 year old teachers or fire-fighters or nurses.

I think rich bastards like Clarkson should pay more taxes instead pf paying accountants to avoid them.

Paul ( pissed off teacher with 22 years experience)

Proud to have been on strike with all the other public sector workers.

[Edited on 1/12/11 by Paul (Notts)]

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Mark Allanson

posted on 1/12/11 at 06:47 PM Reply With Quote
This whole thing has been blown out of proportion by professional offence takers. EVERYONE knows how Clarkson speaks, and Unison spokesmen have whipped it all up for publicity for their selfish cause.

Public sector pensions are amazing and totally unreasonable, they will reap double what I will get when I retire, and will have paid half into the scheme, and Joe Muggins here is paying the bloody difference!

Its about time they got real and realise how lucky they are, get back to work and start working as hard as the rest of us have to.

If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation

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posted on 1/12/11 at 06:48 PM Reply With Quote
Why do you think rich = overpaid then Paul? What makes you think Clarkson deserves his money less than you deserve yours? He is an extremely bright man using what he enjoys to make money. You could have done what he did and gone into journalism knowing what it could lead to, but you chose to become a teacher. You earn what you earn, he earns what he earns.

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steve m

posted on 1/12/11 at 06:55 PM Reply With Quote
"Thing is I agree with him.

Every worker should get the same pension reward, and the same retirement age.

Why should some be more privileged than another?

Mind you, I also think Top Gear is rubbish!"


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posted on 1/12/11 at 07:00 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Paul (Notts)
I find it very saddening that some of the comments imply that public sector workers, like myself, are over paid: lazy: inline for gilt edged pensions and as one post says jobsworths.

I fully understand that the economic situation is very bad ( some of it due to recent mismanagement ) . However a lot of the changes that are taking place to public sector pensions and wages are an over response to the situation and a clear attack and TAX aimed at the public sector.

Lord Hutton and the governments own audit office clearly state that the public sector pensions require less radical changes to ensure they reduce in cost as a % of the GDP.

This is how it affects me… A teacher with 22 years pension contributions already and looking to do another 16 years so that I can retire at 60.

I get no pay rise for 3 years ( I understand that)
then only 1% not the 2% that we had agreed.

Change to average earnings - ok no problems Ill take a knock.
get significantly less pension - ( starting to to get a little )
pay in significantly more – almost double my monthly contribution ( This is just a tax to help the government - it does not pay my pension fund)
Work till I am 67 - not possible as a teacher in a state school.

Do you want 67 year old teachers or fire-fighters or nurses.

I think rich bastards like Clarkson should pay more taxes instead pf paying accountants to avoid them.

Paul ( pissed off teacher with 22 years experience)

Proud to have been on strike with all the other public sector workers.

[Edited on 1/12/11 by Paul (Notts)]

What makes you (as a teacher) a special case? Why are you insulated from the years of Labour miss-management of the economy that has lead to this situation? Why do I get a pay cut and a worthless pension as a net contributor to the countries bank balance and you get to keep the same if not slightly more plus a much better pension provision as a net beneficiary?

Don't miss understand me as I have a great respect for people who choose to going into public service but you cannot be insulated from the cuts. Apart from anything else where to you think the money is coming from to let you retire at 60 with a nice pension while the rest of us toil till 68. I have had exactly the same argument with my. primary school teaching, wife.

[Edited on 1/12/11 by jeffw]

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Paul (Notts)

posted on 1/12/11 at 07:04 PM Reply With Quote

No I don’t equate rich with being over paid

I do object to a tax system that allows people with money to avoid paying tax because they have money.

I have a close relative who I would class as very well off ( rich compared to most public sector workers ) who pays less tax and NI than I do !

The government are using the current climate to attack the public sector because they don’t believe in it. They feel the private sector can provide better services at lower costs.

Well it has not so we are now in a bigger mess.

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posted on 1/12/11 at 07:08 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Paul (Notts)

No I don’t equate rich with being over paid

I do object to a tax system that allows people with money to avoid paying tax because they have money.

I have a close relative who I would class as very well off ( rich compared to most public sector workers ) who pays less tax and NI than I do !

The government are using the current climate to attack the public sector because they don’t believe in it. They feel the private sector can provide better services at lower costs.

Well it has not so we are now in a bigger mess.

Seriously ? So those nasty Tories are using the global financial meltdown to at last reap revenge on all those left wing public servants? right....

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Paul (Notts)

posted on 1/12/11 at 07:12 PM Reply With Quote

I don’t expect to be insulated from the current situation. I can fully accept the need for changes to public sector pensions.

What I do object to is the use of the current climate to attack the public sector and try to blame the countries problem our the size of our pensions.

I am happy to PAY MORE or TAKE LESS but not both at the same time.

I accepted 3 years ago a big change to my pension that the government audit commission said would make it sustainable for the next 20 years.

If the government wants me keep teaching to 67 then it needs to find a role for me as a state teacher of that age and not just sack me at 60 ish because I cant keep up with the kids any more.

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Paul (Notts)

posted on 1/12/11 at 07:17 PM Reply With Quote

So those nasty Tories are using the global financial meltdown to at last reap revenge on all those left wing public servants? right....

Well if you listened to the education secretary explaining the strike was all about 3 left wing militants spoiling for a fight last night on the BBC ( even the news presenter was amused by this ), you may well believe that.

Its not however what I said.

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posted on 1/12/11 at 07:20 PM Reply With Quote
Now I am a supply teacher, and haven't paid enouh attention to the pensions stuff detail.

Paul, are these changes retrospective? If so that is EXTREMELY unfair. That is like the government raiding private pension pots, which would cause outcry everywhere.

I don't understand why they can't use the new rules for new entrants into jobs. And at the same time not have the pension scheme compulsory. Actually, that may not be a good idea.

And I reiterate, striking is a legal right. People lose their wages when on strike.

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posted on 1/12/11 at 07:31 PM Reply With Quote
Daughter in law was the biggest Clarkson fan till she met him at the recent TG show at the NEC, she reckons he is the rudest most arrogant @rsewipe she has ever met insulted everyone around him apparently for no valid reason.
Me Ive always thought he is a t!t.

I used to be a Werewolf but I'm alright nowwoooooooooooooo

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Paul (Notts)

posted on 1/12/11 at 07:35 PM Reply With Quote

What you have already put into your pension keeps its original rights and value.

( at least that’s the current situation.)

Any contributions paid after 2012 I think fall under the new rules.

If you have a teachers pension number then log into the teachers pension web site and it will tell you your current pension situation.

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posted on 1/12/11 at 07:36 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Mark Allanson
This whole thing has been blown out of proportion by professional offence takers. EVERYONE knows how Clarkson speaks, and Unison spokesmen have whipped it all up for publicity for their selfish cause. nasty

Public sector pensions are amazing and totally unreasonable, they will reap double what I will get when I retire, and will have paid half into the scheme, and Joe Muggins here is paying the bloody difference!

Its about time they got real and realise how lucky they are, get back to work and start working as hard as the rest of us have to.

Clarkson didn't just say "shoot the strikers" he might have got away with that but he said "shoot the strikers in front of their families", he also made an incredibly nasty comment on suicide in such bad taste the producers of the show issued an apology for at the end of the show.

[I] “ What use our work, Bennet, if we cannot care for those we love? .”
― From BBC TV/Amazon's Ripper Street.

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posted on 1/12/11 at 07:48 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Paul (Notts)

I don’t expect to be insulated from the current situation. I can fully accept the need for changes to public sector pensions.

What I do object to is the use of the current climate to attack the public sector and try to blame the countries problem our the size of our pensions.

I am happy to PAY MORE or TAKE LESS but not both at the same time.

I accepted 3 years ago a big change to my pension that the government audit commission said would make it sustainable for the next 20 years.

If the government wants me keep teaching to 67 then it needs to find a role for me as a state teacher of that age and not just sack me at 60 ish because I cant keep up with the kids any more.

Again, why are you different than me (or millions of other private sector workers)? I have to pay more into a pension to get less. I work in IT and at 51 my time has to be limited....who wants a 65 year old firewall expert? On top of which I work for myself so I have no safety net of working for a big organisation.

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posted on 1/12/11 at 07:50 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by britishtrident
Originally posted by Mark Allanson
This whole thing has been blown out of proportion by professional offence takers. EVERYONE knows how Clarkson speaks, and Unison spokesmen have whipped it all up for publicity for their selfish cause. nasty

Public sector pensions are amazing and totally unreasonable, they will reap double what I will get when I retire, and will have paid half into the scheme, and Joe Muggins here is paying the bloody difference!

Its about time they got real and realise how lucky they are, get back to work and start working as hard as the rest of us have to.

Clarkson didn't just say "shoot the strikers" he might have got away with that but he said "shoot the strikers in front of their families", he also made an incredibly nasty comment on suicide in such bad taste the producers of the show issued an apology for at the end of the show.

Clarkson said significantly more than that and the statement you refer to was, obviously, said in balance the BBC view as he put it.

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