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Author: Subject: Stopped by the police... (F*LTH) Apparently I am not allowed to call them this...

posted on 9/8/07 at 08:15 PM Reply With Quote
Hold on ............ i've just read this, let me paraphrase.

I often break the law and would like to fit a device that would enable me to escape prosecution, anyone know if i can do it?

Or as you phrased it, i often "push on" and am grateful when people warn me about police waiting around the corner trying to catch law breakers. I'd like to fit a jammer so they can't get me.

Mate - no sympathy, hope you get caught!

I'm no angel, i occasionally find myself above the speed limit. There is a stretch near me thats been reduced from 60 to 30 and its tough keeping the speed down. I've got 3 points due to being caught speeding 3 years ago. BUT ........ i accept when caught and get on with it (ok, I'm human, i'll moan a lot as well cause i do try to stick to the speed limit and try not to take the p*ss)

By the way, I find someone down the road from me really annoying, i'd like to kill them, anyone know how i can get away with it?

(that is a joke before someone who knows me phones the police / tells my neighbours / fozzie comes back from holiday (hope you had a nice time) and bans me!)

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posted on 9/8/07 at 09:02 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by PhilCross66
I daren't even suggest what I think of the police, here's why.
A couple of years ago my house was raided by North Yorks police. I was away at the time working in China and only heard about this through my friends phoning me.
I came home to my house wrecked. Anyone who thinks they just look around carefully are totally wrong. They empty your drawers out on the floor, move and up end furniture, pull up carpets and even managed to damage a ceiling. My home looked like it had been burgled.
They had even spread my girlfriends underwear around obviously done to upset me.
Oh yes my girlfriend was house sitting at the time, she got the rubber glove treatment. She left that night and never came back.
I had an old mondeo I was fixing up for her on the drive. They tried to crowbar the door open, failed so smashed 2 windows to get into it. I ended up scrapping it because it was now too expensive to repair. The keys for it were clearly marked in my kitchen.
My own car was parked outside but I had the keys with me in China. They left it alone...?
Even though the house was occupied they smashed my door in, hit it hard enough to spit my door frame.
They seized my computers and mobile phone, luckily I'd just had an upgrade so they only got my old one. Also seized were all my car and motorbike log books and any financial paper work they could find. It took 3 months to get everything back. Had I been self employed they would have ruined me.
The police never spoke to me, never charged me with anything. They never came back and didn't leave any instructions to tell me what to do.
I had to write to the chief of police asking what was going on and with a list of damage they had done to my property.
Eventually I got a reply from some lawyer acting on their behalf saying any damage done was justified and kept to a minimum and there was no case to answer.
So the police didn't even have the balls to admit they made a mistake. Leaving me out of pocket unless I sued them which I couldn't afford to do.

With all due respect, thats ridiculous. If they find nothing incriminating AT ALL, then you sue for damages.

My mate got a similar treatment, they even threatened to have his dog put down if no one came round to control it. He however didnt have a leg to stand on; the garage was full of skunk.

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posted on 9/8/07 at 09:06 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by clockwork
I used to get stopped once/twice a week when I lived in Newquay for the crime of being a young lad in a powerful car (

I had an impreza when i was 20. I made sure i had all my docs in the car. The only time i got stopped was by a friendly lady who spun round when i passed, "because these get stolen often, we wanted to see if you would stop." I showed her my docs, didnt even have to get out, she smiled and left.

Moral is, if you're sick of producers then just carry the docs with you. It makes sense really!

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posted on 9/8/07 at 09:35 PM Reply With Quote
As per Joels post. As I am aware, if the police don't find anything then they will cough up but if they do find summat, then the cost's all yours.

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davie h

posted on 9/8/07 at 10:53 PM Reply With Quote
i dont normally tell people what i do for a living but hey i'm a police officer i love my job and im not a racist or a thug or go out of my way to annoy/upset people. when i hear stories of folk who have feel victimised by the police it annoys me as it makes them think that we are all the same and nothing could be further from the truth. people will always hate the police because on the whole the only time they have any dealings with them is when they are being charged/arrested or if a loved one has passed away both are not good situtions. its because of this that i dont tell many people what i do i mean you want to try getting a haircut and being asked what you work at half way through it i dont want a swear word shaved into the back of my head just because of the job i do. oh and farmer palmer if you came up to me when i was on duty and called me filth to my face i would be having a word in you ear as i have done with people who have made pig grunt noises as they have walked past me and will continue to do. you dont go to your work and expect abuse so nor do i

ps i do hope now that i have outed myself it wont be held against me

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posted on 10/8/07 at 08:03 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by davie h
its because of this that i dont tell many people what i do

I think that's very sad. The police are there to protect the majority of law-abiding citizens from the minority of criminals. Personally I congratulate you for doing the job you do and have every respect for you.

Indeed, there are some very bad officers around, and the problem is they are the only ones you ever hear about so it casts a bad light on the whole organisation. I image the vast majority of police officers are very professional and should be thanked for keeping our country a safe place.

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posted on 10/8/07 at 10:55 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by davie h
i dont normally tell people what i do for a living but hey i'm a police officer i love my job and im not a racist or a thug or go out of my way to annoy/upset people. when i hear stories of folk who have feel victimised by the police it annoys me as it makes them think that we are all the same and nothing could be further from the truth. people will always hate the police because on the whole the only time they have any dealings with them is when they are being charged/arrested or if a loved one has passed away both are not good situtions. its because of this that i dont tell many people what i do i mean you want to try getting a haircut and being asked what you work at half way through it i dont want a swear word shaved into the back of my head just because of the job i do. oh and farmer palmer if you came up to me when i was on duty and called me filth to my face i would be having a word in you ear as i have done with people who have made pig grunt noises as they have walked past me and will continue to do. you dont go to your work and expect abuse so nor do i

ps i do hope now that i have outed myself it wont be held against me

Good to have you around mate

"That thing you're thinking - it wont be that."

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davie h

posted on 10/8/07 at 09:54 PM Reply With Quote
Good to have you around mate

thanks oh and i was a mechanic for 13 years and not everyone likes them either

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posted on 11/8/07 at 11:35 AM Reply With Quote
Are you this bloke farmer palmer?It didn't work for him. We have had a spate of illegal motorbikes around here, minimotos etc. riding on the pavements and scramblers with no registration or helmets racing round the streets and the police have done a good job of culling them, there are still a few left but their days are numbered. I disagree with the principle of this thread asking a hypothetical question and insulting a necessary profession at the same time.

yours, Pete

I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.

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posted on 11/8/07 at 01:20 PM Reply With Quote
If you're going to be abusive, then at least get it right.

"Filth" refers to the CID, not your ordinary copper, traffic, etc.

And is used by criminals, who have reason to dislike the CID. Best not to use it, unless you want to identify yourself as a member of the criminal classes

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posted on 11/8/07 at 07:55 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Macbeast
If you're going to be abusive, then at least get it right.

"Filth" refers to the CID, not your ordinary copper, traffic, etc.

And is used by criminals, who have reason to dislike the CID. Best not to use it, unless you want to identify yourself as a member of the criminal classes

Absolutely Correct!!!

Well said Macbeast!

(Currently on Tour )

'Racing is Life!...anything before or after is just waiting'....Steve McQueen

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posted on 14/8/07 at 10:25 AM Reply With Quote
I have only ever had good experiences in dealing with the Police. I generally live within the law, live in an area where most others have the same attitude. i teach my kids the same values. Yes, i have been done for speeding but that was my fault, accepted the fine and got on with life. 2 years ago was hit by an uninsured driver - the Police couldnt have been more helpful.

They are one team that will never be able to do right by all people. It is a hard job and i have utter respect for them.

As far as trying to evade the law etc - whats the point. We may not agree with all laws but generally they are there for the protection of us all. If i got stopped then apart from maybe being a day out of tax once a year id have nothing to be worried about so wouldnt object to a search as long as no damage is done. Im pretty sure they wont want to waste their own time though so surely would need to have a reasonable suspicion.

Unfortunately i feel the wording of the original question was a little leading and leaves the reader being suspicious that the author is trying to flaunt the law and put others at risk. Maybe this is what has led to some of the comments being posted. regarding the slang - im not in favour. Calling them Police works in my book, although i do use the term Coppers occasionally.

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posted on 19/10/07 at 03:37 PM Reply With Quote
If you want to know about being stopped by the police, let your wife talk you into buying a BMW Coupe and just watch the Blue lights appear in your rear view mirror.

Over 2 years I drove over 90,000 miles and never had any problems in my Golf, got the BMW got pulled 4 times and the wife got palled 3 times in about 3months. Only one time did they give me a reason for why which was 34mph in a 30 zone. Funny thing is my Speedo said 30.

I’m selling the car at the moment.

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