posted on 10/10/10 at 11:58 AM |
What about a car engine in a bike section
First post What were they thinking ...eeek link
[Edited on 10-10-10 by mangogrooveworkshop]
posted on 10/10/10 at 12:13 PM |
Holy crap.
Just dont drop it - At any speed!
Kindest Regards,
...You can make it foolProof, but youll never make it Idiot Proof!...
posted on 10/10/10 at 01:47 PM |
Image deleted by owner
posted on 10/10/10 at 02:00 PM |
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 10/10/10 at 02:13 PM |
how did they get the drive to the back wheel.
posted on 10/10/10 at 02:27 PM |
Dodge Tomahawk :-) Cheating a bit with the doubled up wheels though!
[Edited on 10/10/10 by JekRankin]
Confused but excited.
posted on 10/10/10 at 04:17 PM |
I think the first commercially produced one was the 'Boss Hoss'. no gears just a throttle and a clutch. No one seemed to know what the
to0p speed was as they all lost their bottle at 170mph and "it was still accelerating like a bastard" as one guy put it.
I seem to remember that there is one in the UK but the insurance was something like £30k p.a. and he had to pay the first £15k of any claim.
Tell them about the bent treacle edges!
posted on 10/10/10 at 05:05 PM |
Hillman imp engine stuck in Norton feather-bed frame!
[Edited on 10-10-10 by AdrianH]
Why do I have to make the tools to finish the job? More time then money.
posted on 10/10/10 at 06:40 PM |
Ive got pics I took at the nec bike show of an 8 litre viper engined bike. that was pretty cool.
posted on 10/10/10 at 07:11 PM |
Who can forget the NSU engined 1967 Munch Mammut??

posted on 10/10/10 at 07:12 PM |
and this one, fugly and pointless.

posted on 10/10/10 at 07:51 PM |
quote: Originally posted by AdrianH
Hillman imp engine stuck in Norton feather-bed frame!
[Edited on 10-10-10 by AdrianH]
Ah! Norton Featherbed, perhaps it would be easier to name the engines that were NOT grafted into it?
posted on 13/10/10 at 09:41 AM |
I pulled into a petrol station near me one and this thing pulled in behind me:
Viper V10 with a wheel at each end! And it gets properly ridden....
posted on 13/10/10 at 10:41 AM |
aston martin V12 in Germany
Kannon 351, 5800cc in daily use, well was until the rad died
heavy is good, heavy is reliable, and if it breaks, hit them with it
posted on 17/10/10 at 12:26 PM |
VW aircooled powered
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