posted on 26/2/11 at 11:18 AM |
New Insurance Law coming in shortly
I just noticed on my Tax renewal form that it says there is a new law coming into force in early 2011 that suggests (Dont know the full details) you
will have to insure your vehicle EVEN when its SORN'ed and OFF the road. With the usual penalties of seizure and crushing.
As many Kits cars are laid up over the winter, this may cause an unnecessary expense to some of us.
Dont know any more, and just thought I would flag it up to the team for further investigation.
Hmm... may be not as bad as I thought
Linky to the AA
[Edited on 26/2/2011 by wilkingj]
1. The point of a journey is not to arrive.
2. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
Best Regards
posted on 26/2/11 at 11:25 AM |
It'll need insurance if it's taxed, not SORN'ed from what I understand.
So yes, whilst it's annoying, it's not the massive deal some people have made it out to be.
posted on 26/2/11 at 11:27 AM |
A pint for the gent and a white wine/fruit based drink for the lady. Those are the rules
posted on 26/2/11 at 12:34 PM |
It'll just be a case of remembering to SORN it when the insurance expires.
Once again, the govenrment make hoops for genuine honest folk to jump through, whilst the scum bags will carry on regardless. 
posted on 26/2/11 at 12:39 PM |
This has been covered at least 3 times in the forum --just complete SORN and all is well
I strongly suspect insurance companies have deliberately encouraged the alarmist reports in the press.
[I] “ What use our work, Bennet, if we cannot care for those we love? .”
― From BBC TV/Amazon's Ripper Street.
ali f27
posted on 26/2/11 at 02:26 PM |
Just another law for the honest and another loop hole for the dishonest i for one am sick to death of the pillocks who try to run this country that
goes for all partys none any better than the other why cant we run the country like a business and employ politicians from anywhere in the world and
then we could pick people fit to do the job a board of director fit for the job and accountable to us
Ps the current f;;k wit cant even explian what he means by big society
Cameron must be praying for snow in june so he has somthing to blame when thefigures are crap agian idiot
posted on 26/2/11 at 04:06 PM |
quote: Originally posted by wilkingj
Linky to the AA
[Edited on 26/2/2011 by wilkingj]
Not sure the RAC will like being called the AA 
Neville Jones
posted on 27/2/11 at 11:10 AM |
For those who didn't follow the link to the gov website.
From early 2011, a new law will mean that the registered keeper of a vehicle must keep it insured unless they've made a SORN (Statutory Off Road
Notification). If you're not insured and haven't made a SORN, you could face a penalty.
The new vehicle insurance law - don't be caught out
Stay insured - stay legal
Stay insured In early 2011, the vehicle insurance law will change.
If you're the registered keeper of a vehicle, it must be insured at all times.
The only exceptions are:
if you have made a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) for the vehicle
vehicles that have been kept off-road since before SORN came into force on 31 January 1998 - unless they are brought back into use.
Bottom line of all this is, If you haven't got tax, SORN it, if you haven't got insurance, SORN it.