posted on 3/1/12 at 05:43 PM |
Hurricane Bawbag 2 Has Wrecked My House!
The front sliding doors were blown in and have caused havoc inside the house!
Roof has taken a bit of a battering as well!
On a positive note, the power has come back on after a ten-hour break, so the temperature has climbed back up to a balmy 14 degrees in the livingroom
Just waiting for the two trees that are at 45 degree angles to come down on the garden fence now!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 3/1/12 at 05:55 PM |
Shoot! Not good!
Hope you're ok and can get that gap filled soon.
Lovely view though!
posted on 3/1/12 at 05:58 PM |
That'll teach you to live in a poncy Grand Designs lookalike house!
Meanwhile, down South, I had to zip up the front of the mini greenhouse in case the plastic ripped. Oh, and I was worried about Mrs' bike cover
so I did up the belly strap just to be sure!
How's the weather up North?
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
- Muhammad Ali
posted on 3/1/12 at 06:03 PM |
hurricane shitebag ripped off 3 roof tiles and rough some casting from me, so i've been up a ladder in the wind trying to straighted/remove them
as much as i can. gardener lad over the road is mates with a roofer, he can sort it, i don't do ladders much
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posted on 3/1/12 at 06:23 PM |
Stick an up and over door in there Scootz it'll give you more space for toys
[Edited on 3/1/12 by CRAIGR]
posted on 3/1/12 at 06:27 PM |
Now that's aliving room view to be jealous of!!
posted on 3/1/12 at 06:29 PM |
half our fence got blown over. renting from a terrible estate agent so it'll be a close race between the fence being fixed and me finishing my
daniel mason
posted on 3/1/12 at 06:34 PM |
that is one nice house! wow.
posted on 3/1/12 at 06:50 PM |
I've got an idea, to save on postage for the windscreen wiper bits - you could pay for me to come up on the train & whilst im there i can
help you get the doors back on
Judging by the view, i might have to stay a while though ??
On a serious note, it makes me realise how lucky we get it down here in the south, the wind is high but i cant imagine it doing anything like that.
My inlaws have a house on the Isle of Bute off the west coast & have lost all power today & they reckon its the worse wind/storm they have
seen in the 7 years the have been there.
Good luck & hope it doesnt get any worse.
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:00 PM |
Cheers folks! I have a hot meal and some coffee inside me now, so feel a million times better!
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:01 PM |
Was a bit violent across in Fife this morning as well.
Lost several mature pine trees and lots of branches off.
Branches took down the telephone line at the back of the house.
Lost power - but only one phase - house is off but workshop is on therefore I have run an extension into the house.
A big pinetree took out a chicken coop and then continued through my next door neighbour's greenhouse.
Ridge tile came off my garage and a couple of slates on the house.
My other next door neighbour lost lots of trees and another neighbour had a big tree land on his BMW
Managed to cut up the branches which fell onto the main road as this was blocked for a while.
My portable garage/tent took a bit of a battering and had cracked a couple of welds - I've braced the structure internally with ratchet straps
until I can get the welder out.
[Edited on 3/1/12 by minitici]
imp paul
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:02 PM |
wow nice house scott but where's all the car parts lol hope you get it fixed mate o and happy new year mate
cheers paul 
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:05 PM |
Don't worry... the 'stockpile' is safe and well Paul!
It's Evolution Baby!
imp paul
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:11 PM |
lol hay i have been waiting 7 months for new imp front end 1 off and its on its way from Scotland should get it Friday woo i will post a picy of
it as soon as i can big wide front wings sweet 
Blackbird Rush
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:15 PM |
Even grand designs don't escape ....
Pic 6
Storm linky
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:19 PM |
Could have been worse.... at least no cars where parked in the house to get damaged 
imp paul
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:22 PM |
good job he moved the Bentley haha
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:24 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Blackbird Rush
Even grand designs don't escape ....
Pic 6
Storm linky
i rememebr seeing that one on TV, always wondered where it was, i knew it was close to me. in fact, you can see my house in the photo! ok, 1 pixel,
but its there
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don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:25 PM |
Have you been banging the back doors in again?
You should stop blaiming the weather and get on with your crazy builds!!
I hope all does well.
nice house. you would seriously pee yourself if you saw my view at the back of my house.
15feet of wall about 20feet away. no problems with the wind though!!
Track days ARE the best thing since sliced bread, until I get a supercharger that is!
Please read my ring story:
Me doing a sub 56sec lap around Brands Indy. I need a geo set up!
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:27 PM |
my parents lost most of the lead work off the roof too
I'm just glad I flew back from oslo last night and not this morrning
posted on 3/1/12 at 07:37 PM |
i got up and left for work at 5.30 this morning, it was warm and not a breath of wind, an hour later the corner of the building at work came off,
howling gale, and freezing through the whole building all day. nice
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don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
posted on 3/1/12 at 08:23 PM |
quote: Originally posted by daniel mason
that is one nice house! wow.
No its not the bloody doors have fallen off!
My flight this morning was interesting even the stewardess were pooping them selves as we landed
Anything With Tits or Wheels Will cost you MONEY!!
Haynes Roadster (Finished)
Exocet (Finished & Sold)
New Project (Started)
posted on 3/1/12 at 08:45 PM |
quote: Originally posted by ashg
... even the stewardess were pooping them selves as we landed
That's when you know things are hairy!
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 3/1/12 at 08:47 PM |
Lost the rear deck roof and the yard shed had all the windows blown out
Looks like a bomb site
posted on 3/1/12 at 08:49 PM |
my parents lost most of the lead work off the roof too
You will find thats generally men in transit vans......that make that happen