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Author: Subject: Wanted:- Tool box or Roll cab (for tools)
Steve Hignett

posted on 12/11/12 at 10:54 PM Reply With Quote
Wanted:- Tool box or Roll cab (for tools)

Hi All,

Does anyone have a tool box, preferably a Roll Cabinet (ie the bottom bit!), for sale, or for free to give-away at all, please?

I actually sold my tool boxes a few months ago, then got made redundant, now I need to store my tools for a new job I've got. It's on a lot less money for more hours, so couple that with being out of work for a bit, I don't have much money to play about with, so as cheap as possible, please.

Obviously if its quality gear at the right price I am still interested, but may not be able to afford it/them.

On a similar vein, I am also after a set of "Combination"/"Combo" Spanners, with a long handle, or a long centre section, depending on how you describe them, please. Does anyone have anything to sell, or know of a really REALLY good deal somewhere?

Thanks in advance for any help/offers/suggestions etc

Please U2U me with details of what you or know of, along with monies, phone number and location and I'll get in touch ASAP. Obviously, the closer the better, but may be able to work something out...

Thanks and kind regards,


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posted on 12/11/12 at 11:03 PM Reply With Quote
Can't help with a box but I bought a set of Siegen long spanners off eBay for £36 and they have survived over a
year of abuse so far. Even linking two together for superduper leverage.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.................Douglas Adams.

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