posted on 17/8/16 at 05:45 PM |
How to silence the neighbours dogs
I live next to a lovely old couple (who are partially deaf) however their dogs are absolute s**ts when it comes to barking. I've approached them
before from a very kind angle explaining the noise waking up my baby etc, however the noise continues. I love dogs, however a giant trebuchet loaded
with pedigree chum seems more and more appealing by the day.
Ideas on the back of a postcard welcomed.
Only drive as fast as your angel can fly... !
posted on 17/8/16 at 06:04 PM |
You are a car owner so will have access to anti freeze but its a horrible death so i would not recommend it plus may be criminal repercussions if
How about one of them super sonic alarms that go off when barking is detected?
posted on 17/8/16 at 06:06 PM |
Sorry to read your problem but i don't think there is a answer, how can you stop dogs making a noise its a problem all over the world
posted on 17/8/16 at 06:07 PM |
.... oh i should point out i have neighbours dog barking but i grit my teeth , mutter shut up you bastards (quote from the young ones) under my breath
posted on 17/8/16 at 06:16 PM |
sorry, can't help on the dogs front, but your 'tag line' quote: Only drive as fast as your angel can fly... !
is well
illustrated in this bfi film about road safety, particularly the last 20 seconds
posted on 17/8/16 at 06:23 PM |
If you google "dog silencer" there are a number of ultrasonic alarms which might be useful.
Son (electronics engineer) & I are thinking of something similar to silence our student neighbours when they're back from hols
Cheers, Pewe10 
posted on 17/8/16 at 06:31 PM |
Console yourself that when your kids are older and they will shout, scream, play, kick footballs and generally annoy your elderly neighbours.
posted on 17/8/16 at 06:35 PM |
All very valid comments - can I rent a merlin engine on a show trailer from anyone? Should be loud enough
Only drive as fast as your angel can fly... !
ian locostzx9rc2
posted on 17/8/16 at 06:49 PM |
Better get hold of guy Martin then    
posted on 17/8/16 at 07:56 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Toprivetguns
All very valid comments - can I rent a merlin engine on a show trailer from anyone? Should be loud enough
Or arrange a few Sunday morning drive outs meeting at your house, when they complain, point out that's once a week, their dogs are perpetual...
posted on 17/8/16 at 07:56 PM |
I had a similar issue, but with vastly more aggressive neighbours. One day when the very aggressive dog got out again and was chasing somebody down
the street I got out a tyre iron and used the magic words "If I get near that fu**ing dog I'll kill the little sh**" which had them
run out of the house and get it in. Hasn't happened again since and it's been a lot quieter!
Maybe some overly aggressive behaviour or perhaps holding a meeting of your friends with shotguns to compare noise of blank cartridges in your garden
at 3am will persuade them.
posted on 17/8/16 at 08:07 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Irony
Console yourself that when your kids are older and they will shout, scream, play, kick footballs and generally annoy your elderly neighbours.
Do they bark inside their house or just in the garden? It's up to your neighbours to train them but I'm imagining they are the elderly ype
to baby their mutt which has never socialised with other humans or dogs. We have two that are relatively chilled out until the neighbours sister
brings her pugs to stay. Her dogs run to our fence yapping which starts our two off much to my annoyance.
We find a decent blast from a super soaker over the fence works well
posted on 17/8/16 at 09:07 PM |
I feel your pain. I'm listening to the neighbours dog barking right now because it's probably seen a fly in the garden or something.
Unfortunately I then have to hear the dicks who own it shouting "shut up Ben!". If they'd walk the effing thing occasionally the
dog might not be such a tw@t.
'If everything seems under control you're just not going fast enough' - Mario Andretti
posted on 17/8/16 at 09:32 PM |
We had a problem with a neighbour's dog. The poor thing had been thrown out of the house when they redecorated and was kept out in the garden
with a kennel and it barked all the time, but particularly at night. The trouble was that it was summer time, so we had to have the bedroom windows
open and our baby monitor automatically amplified sudden noises, so it was like the dog was in the living room with us all evening. We couldn't
turn the baby monitor off either, as it also monitored our son's breathing and he'd previously nearly died due to repeatedly stopping
breathing. Luckily another neighbour was also finding it very irritating and reported it to the council and the owners had to become more responsible.
posted on 17/8/16 at 10:26 PM |
So sick and tired of people who can't look after dogs, don't pick up their dog poo, or do and leave it hanging in trees. To my mind, 70%
of the public are antisocial but it doesn't affect anyone until they get an animal they can't or won't control or look after.
posted on 18/8/16 at 04:05 AM |
if they are out in the garden a simple solution is a nice piece of meat/smelly food attached on your side of the fence. they will spend their whole
time occupied sniffing up and down the fence on their side trying to work out where the smell is and how to get it.
Anything With Tits or Wheels Will cost you MONEY!!
Haynes Roadster (Finished)
Exocet (Finished & Sold)
New Project (Started)
posted on 18/8/16 at 07:23 AM |
Seriously, unfortunately, my experience is that your only legal recourse is the Council. Noise nuisance will require measurement, evidence (no issues
there), followed by Abatement Orders and Enforcement. All this causes the expected....
Aggressive neighbours and/or with plenty of time (i.e. those on benefits, pensioners, public sector) will give you a good 'punishment'
beating for such action. My experience, very ugly.
Ignore. I can't use my garden due to neighbours dogs, feral children, feral visitors and dread what's waiting when I come back from work.
Social responsibility....?
posted on 18/8/16 at 08:41 AM |
We suffer similar issues with our neighbours dog unfortunately. Lovely animal, very friendly eyc., but a barking PITA when they're out or at
night. To be fair it irritates them as well, but neither they nor we know how to deal with it. On our side we do have 3 kids aged 10 and 2 at 8.
They make more than their fair share of noise outside this time of year and our neighbours do have to put up with it.