posted on 13/11/20 at 03:17 PM |
OMG I have an error in my SQL!!!!
Trying to load photos and get this error any ideas?
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' '
at line 1
You'd be surprised how quickly the sales people at B&Q try and assist you after ignoring you for the past 15 minutes when you try and start a
posted on 13/11/20 at 04:08 PM |
It sounds like you have an error in your SQL syntax
Have you tried checking the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use?

Its a site issue and not one with your computer. Its been like it a while
I cant get images to upload on here so use https://imgbb.com and past the url link to the post
[Edited on 13/11/20 by number-1]
posted on 13/11/20 at 04:42 PM |
Strangely some people say they can upload images just fine. I cannot.
posted on 13/11/20 at 05:02 PM |
Thanks Chaps thats as clear as mud. No really I get it.
Ill take the easy way out and post via another site as suggested
You'd be surprised how quickly the sales people at B&Q try and assist you after ignoring you for the past 15 minutes when you try and start a
posted on 13/11/20 at 07:19 PM |
No I can’t upload them either.
Can’t even attach them from a third party some times.
Mr Whippy
posted on 13/11/20 at 10:14 PM |
I use imgbb works great and costs nothing
posted on 14/11/20 at 08:16 AM |
I haven't been able to upload pictures on here for a while now. Others seem to have the same problem so I'm putting it down to a LCB site
Given that the site is run by a chap out of kindness and free to use it's not like we have anything to mean about.
Try hosting images elsewhere and linking them here.
posted on 14/11/20 at 09:36 AM |
I agree that it is unkind to moan but it would be great if the functionality were restored. It would almost certainly attract more traffic. This is
the only place where I have stored photos of my painfully slow build.If Cris popped up and explained what the issue/costs are I would be tempted to
make a more regular donation.
so just testing the external link method here is the latest picture..... 3 months of stick stuff and sanding..
posted on 14/11/20 at 10:51 AM |
if you use the imgbb bbcode link it will show the picture 'inline'
you can find this by selecting 'embed codes' a the bottom of the page you have linked to.
then copy the code,
'full image, (linked)', and copy and paste the bbcode from there
[Edited on 14/11/20 by gremlin1234]
posted on 14/11/20 at 12:14 PM |
I think this site will slowly die
Chris is the only one with access and he hasn't logged on for 3 months.
Mr Whippy
posted on 14/11/20 at 12:38 PM |
quote: Originally posted by 40inches
I think this site will slowly die
Chris is the only one with access and he hasn't logged on for 3 months.
Well he could (I'm no IT expert like) transfer it over to someone else who has the facilities to run it. He does get donations but I have no
idea if that covers running costs... I'm sure we'd get a shock at the electric bill for running the computer for so many years
[Edited on 14/11/20 by Mr Whippy]
posted on 14/11/20 at 03:11 PM |
I sure hope this site does not die, I use it every day, it was the reason I was able to build my car (2006-2009). I've donated recently so I
just hope Chris is able to keep this site going......
Why do they call Port Harcourt "The Garden City"?...... Becauase they can't spell Stramash.
posted on 14/11/20 at 11:08 PM |
if you use the imgbb bbcode link it will show the picture 'inline'
you can find this by selecting 'embed codes' a the bottom of the page you have linked to.
then copy the code,
Thanks for that. Black sticky bonnet revealed for all to see!
It would be really sad to see this site 'die'. Perhaps if we all sent Chris a quid all on the same day he might pop in and we can start a
dialogue about how to preserve this.
This is a great resource. Like all internet forums it is not without issues but it has always provided me with inspiration.
posted on 20/5/21 at 08:27 PM |
There's a similar error preventing new posts in the new members area