posted on 3/2/22 at 11:27 PM |
Dust extraction - quiet solutions
I have the cheap chinese blast cabinet set up in my garage and it seems to work ok but obvs there is an element of dust buildup, which I was
expecting following many many hours of watching yt vids on mods to the cabinets.
Anyway, the house is on an estate so I'm doing my best to keep the noise down but need to make some kind of extractor. Typically, a vacuum
cleaner with centrifugal separator is used but vacuum cleaners make a proper racket (it'll be running when compressor is on).
So, I'm thinking of a quiet but higher power motor running at far lower speeds but maybe with a larger fan or vacuum cleaner fan and a
Am I wasting my time and should I just use a vac cleaner 
posted on 4/2/22 at 07:18 AM |
I have an soldering fume extration pump thats quiet engough for a small workshop.
like this
pMAAOSwR29ZKxaL" target="_blank"> pMA
Or, how about a bouncy castle blower, just use it in reverse.
like this
posted on 4/2/22 at 07:38 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Simon
I have the cheap chinese blast cabinet set up in my garage and it seems to work ok but obvs there is an element of dust buildup, which I was
expecting following many many hours of watching yt vids on mods to the cabinets.
Anyway, the house is on an estate so I'm doing my best to keep the noise down but need to make some kind of extractor. Typically, a vacuum
cleaner with centrifugal separator is used but vacuum cleaners make a proper racket (it'll be running when compressor is on).
So, I'm thinking of a quiet but higher power motor running at far lower speeds but maybe with a larger fan or vacuum cleaner fan and a
Am I wasting my time and should I just use a vac cleaner
I think the noise made by a vacuum will be insignificant next to a big old compressor banging away......
posted on 4/2/22 at 08:41 AM |
Certainly a good effort wanting to keep the noise down on a housing estate (noisy neighbours are PITA). A place I used to work had an industrial
scale air comprossor running outside the building, but in a sondproofed shed. (it fed piped air round the building).
Do you have space to do something similar and maybe house a vacuum outside the building, but in a (DIY) soundproofed container?
You could run the vacuum hose through the wall and connect to the blast cabinet.
Just an idea from previous experience.
posted on 4/2/22 at 09:47 AM |
Not taken one apart but the blower in our tumble dryer is faily quiet and moves a fair bit of air, maybe a diy job from a scrap dryer
posted on 4/2/22 at 10:19 AM |
quote: Originally posted by nick205
Certainly a good effort wanting to keep the noise down on a housing estate (noisy neighbours are PITA). A place I used to work had an industrial
scale air compressor running outside the building, but in a sondproofed shed. (it fed piped air round the building).
A place I used to work (a manufacturer of *VERY LARGE* industrial compressors coincidentally - some having 24,000 BHP drives) built two generator sets
and tested them outdoors. The neighbours were not happy, when after months of testing and preparation, we got the problems ironed out and the first
one started up successfully at just after 4pm one day and, as we did not want to chance stopping it, we began the 8 hour run test - of an 11kV,
3-phase, 60Hz, 24MW generator set, on full load, driven by a Rolls-Royce RB-211, with the acoustic enclosure doors wide open for continuous access!
There was nothing the neighbours could do though, as the plant had ongoing permission for such noisy operations during the night, for up to 10 nights
per year, although it wasn't used most years. The permission was necessary, as 500 jobs depended upon being able to test some equipment right
through 24 hour tests.
posted on 4/2/22 at 10:24 AM |
The compressor of one of Hyundai's quiet range, so you can talk over it quite comfortably. I have a large woodwork though but it's way too
big for this.
posted on 4/2/22 at 11:51 AM |
Plenty of vids on youtube on sound-reducing cabinets for "shopvacs", worth a look. I will have a similar problem with my CNC router but
insufficient funds for a "proper" extractor..