posted on 6/5/24 at 07:09 PM |
Which exhaust wrap?
Gents, I need to get some exhaust wrap on my 4 exhaust headers (helps to avoid melting cables!). I saw that the typical choice is either 25mm (1inch)
or 50mm (2inch) wide, but I've never used it before so looking for opinions on the pros and cons. Obviously, with the 25mm you'd need to
wrap round more times to cover a particular length, but I'm more concerned with how well it goes round the bends (some are tightish), how neat it
looks and how effective it is. I'm guessing that the 50mm might be harder to work with on bends and end up looking messier? I don't
suppose there's much difference in terms of keeping the heat in for either width, as long as you have overlaps, but I wondered about the
material. I see plain fibreglass but also fancier sounding titanium/lava material - Any opinions on the differences there, or any others?
rusty nuts
posted on 7/5/24 at 06:57 AM |
Used 25mm wrap on my car, soaked it in water before use and attached with stainless cable ties, it looked very neat when I fitted it but after having
gone through a heat cycle it became discoloured. It will give off loads of stinking smoke when it first gets hot
posted on 7/5/24 at 09:27 AM |
From memory I used 50mm cheapest available heat wrap on my MK Indy. Secured with Jubilee clips after failing to get the supplied stainless clips to
tighten properly. As ddescribed, on first few heat cycles it smoked a bit. Didn't really discolour though. As per photo I went from the head to
where the exhaust came out of the body.
posted on 9/5/24 at 08:01 AM |
50mm cheapest ebay with stainless zip ties wrapped all the way to and icluding the CAT. Yes it smoked a bit when new but looked fine although it did
fade a little. Having the CAT wrapped was a good move to protect the legs of the unwary.
posted on 9/5/24 at 08:53 AM |
quote: Originally posted by ianhurley20
50mm cheapest ebay with stainless zip ties wrapped all the way to and icluding the CAT. Yes it smoked a bit when new but looked fine although it did
fade a little. Having the CAT wrapped was a good move to protect the legs of the unwary.
My MK Indy's exhaust blued a little over time, but I figured it was on the drivers side and only me driving so cheaper to leave unwrapped. Had it
been on the passenger side I may have wrapped it or fitted a heat shield (summer and shorts ets.).