posted on 23/1/25 at 08:32 PM |
Blocking Emails
Every day I get a dozen or more unwanted emails from 4 or 5 websites.
Is there any way I can block them?
posted on 23/1/25 at 09:14 PM |
Only a dozen per day? You're lucky!!
Mark them as spam, eventually the email algorithm will pick up on them and they'll start to fade out.
Mr Whippy
posted on 23/1/25 at 10:30 PM |
Depends on what browser you use, Gmail is generally excellent in filtering these directly into the spam folder.
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
posted on 24/1/25 at 07:52 AM |
With Hotmail, I just tell it what's spam and it eventually gets sorted. Proper websites usually have an unsubscribe option though?
posted on 24/1/25 at 10:10 AM |
Blocking Emails
Thanks for your suggestions I have unsubscribed 4 of them
2 don't have an unsubscribe option and one a I cannot access.
posted on 24/1/25 at 12:58 PM |
I anything that's genuine spam (Ie unsolicited junk thats either scams or porn) its best not to unsubscribe, as it then notifies them the email
is active and they send more.
If its from a known company, and you just dont want emails from them anymore then unsubscribe is a sensible option.
Mistral Motorsport
posted on 24/1/25 at 01:20 PM |
quote: Originally posted by loggyboy
If its from a known company, and you just dont want emails from them anymore then unsubscribe is a sensible option.
when I set up an email list for our local Museum, I used mailchimp, just because it works! and has all the subscribe/unsubscribe stuff built in.
so if any of the emails you get are via mailchimp, I can assure you their unsubscribe option is 'clean'
posted on 24/1/25 at 02:04 PM |
Depending on what email you're using it's usually a right click & then choose spam or block, both will get rid
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posted on 29/1/25 at 03:36 PM |
quote: Originally posted by russbost
Depending on what email you're using it's usually a right click & then choose spam or block, both will get rid
Agreed, for me...
Work is Outlook and right click Spam or Block deals with it.
Home is Freeola webmail and again there's an option to mark is as Spam.
Never reply or try and unsubscribe - just confirms to the sender that the email address is active.
Another tip - limit how often you give out your email address - the fewer people/places have it the fewer will try and contact you (hopefully).
[Edited on 29-1-25 by nick205]