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Author: Subject: Wellseal
Mr Whippy

posted on 31/1/25 at 01:38 PM Reply With Quote


I came across this stuff when doing my old cars copper cylinder head gasket change, apparently created originally by Roll Royce its now sold by Stag and is recommend for head gaskets etc. This stuff is great, its thin like runny honey (kinda looks like it too) but quickly goes sticky so I just brush it on with a small flat paint brush and is amazing at sealing all sorts of parts up. I'm much happier using this that any of the instant gaskets and it never dries out, very smelly though! would highly recommend when working on your engine. I've used it all over the old engine but have used up only about 30% of the tube and it cost me just £16! I clean the brush with acetone btw.

Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet

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