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Author: Subject: talk talk broadband

posted on 2/5/07 at 07:59 PM Reply With Quote
talk talk broadband

I have just had a phone call from talk talk offering me free broadband for life, all i have to do is pay £11.99 a month line rental to them instead of bt. i already pay £8.99 for all calls with them, so it sounds a good deal. anyone know if it is any good ???


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flak monkey

posted on 2/5/07 at 08:06 PM Reply With Quote
From what i have heard its crap...

Get what you pay for (or dont as the case may be!) The exception being AOL which is expensive and crap.


[Edited on 2/5/07 by flak monkey]


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chris taylor

posted on 2/5/07 at 08:12 PM Reply With Quote
TalkTalk Broadband

Hi mate,
I have had this package since last September and it's been great.
The only calls you pay for are to mobiles otherwise it's £20 all in,


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posted on 2/5/07 at 08:19 PM Reply With Quote
They are ok until things go wrong.
After 3 months of calls to India in 50min+ sessions, I finally gave up and returned to BT.

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posted on 2/5/07 at 08:19 PM Reply With Quote
Might be OK if you can actually get it installed. My parents have had TalkTalk phone for quite a while, signed up for broadband in January and are still waiting....
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posted on 2/5/07 at 08:23 PM Reply With Quote
As nitramm said.
I've been on about a year now service once connected but support is poor.
saying that apart from the initial 3 months wait for the broadband to be connected and a recent upgrade causing the connecting to drop to 17k for about a week, its generally been trouble free and saved me loads of money overall.

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posted on 2/5/07 at 08:24 PM Reply With Quote
I've had it for a couple of years now (line rental too) and I can honestly say it has been no trouble - and saves lots of dosh too


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posted on 2/5/07 at 08:46 PM Reply With Quote
cheap but sh1t.
on changeover they disconnected my landline for two weeks and broadband line for a month.
once they had sorted it i have 2 MB for about 3 months.
the service has detiorated for the last two months ranging from no broadband service to a maximum 512K for about 1 hour per day.
you email and call the technical lines and they charge you per minute and ask numpty questions like is the compter turned on? etc over and over again.

the only plus side is the free international calls i make to the states.

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posted on 2/5/07 at 08:54 PM Reply With Quote
been on talktalk for a year no problems to date, good value for money
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posted on 2/5/07 at 09:17 PM Reply With Quote
all broadband is nice whilst it works, i left ntl after a few outages and poor service. Now have BT, its not gone wrong yet so i dont know if support is good.
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posted on 2/5/07 at 09:48 PM Reply With Quote
I think all ISP's will have good and bad points and reports.

Not sure if it really matters any more, they're all comparable at the end of the day.

It's like deciding which 7 to build!

Go with the cheapest.


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posted on 3/5/07 at 07:06 AM Reply With Quote
As others have said, good when it works.

Our BB and phone go down every couple of weeks for an hour or so.


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posted on 3/5/07 at 07:34 AM Reply With Quote
Talk-Talk have a pretty poor reputation for sorting problems out.

If you want very low cost phone calls you just use a Skype phone ,
For your broadband connection look at Be and Plusnet both of whom do very attractive phone packages.

In addition Be are ahead of the game with ADSL2 which is twice as fast over the same line as ADSL.

[Edited on 3/5/07 by britishtrident]

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posted on 3/5/07 at 10:12 AM Reply With Quote

From what i have heard its crap...

I know quite a few people that signed up for this a month ago. Theyr still not connected and are having big trouble getting them to sort it. The indian call centres are no use what so ever. Some of them have gone back to there old supplier..


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posted on 3/5/07 at 12:48 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Avoneer

Not sure if it really matters any more, they're all comparable at the end of the day.

Not sure about that Pat, Id say probably overall reliability is similar across most broadband packages (because it generally piggy backs off the same BT infrastructure), but when things do go wrong there's a vast difference in the quality of service.

Im currently with EntaNet (through a reseller called ADSL24), Ive had one issue so far where my connection dropped several times. I rang support and spoke straight away to a guy who knew what the problem was was clued up. He obviously picked up that I also knew a bit about networking so we had a 5 minute chat about the problems they'd had with their RADIUS servers that evening, which was exactly the type of information I want!

That kind of thing doesn't happen with a lot of the big boys, who just read from a script as above "do you have your PC turned on sir?" etc having had you on hold for 30 minutes.

Have you built that car yet and got my old engine back up and running yet BTW??!! The poor engine will have forgotten how to run if you take too much longer

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posted on 4/5/07 at 05:26 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by ChrisGamlin
Originally posted by Avoneer

Not sure if it really matters any more, they're all comparable at the end of the day.

Not sure about that Pat, Id say probably overall reliability is similar across most broadband packages (because it generally piggy backs off the same BT infrastructure), but when things do go wrong there's a vast difference in the quality of service.

Same BT infrastructure? No...some LLU suppliers own the infrastructure end2end and only rent the copper between your house and the exchange from BT.

Agreed in the level of service, though. In general, if everything goes swimmingly then you're fine. It's the first sign of a problem that sorts the good from the bad.


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posted on 5/5/07 at 03:29 PM Reply With Quote
Soz I was being a bit simplistic there Steve, yep there are companies like Bulldog who have their own kit via LLU, but having recently changed ISPs and had a look at all the offerings, I'd estimate that maybe 75% of ADSL is still supplied through BT exchanges



[Edited on 5/5/07 by ChrisGamlin]

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