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Fire Extinguishers: Discounts!
JoaoCaldeira - 4/11/08 at 06:36 PM


Lifeline is able to do this discounts in
our group buy

1-9 systems = 25% discount
10-19 systems = 30% discount
20 + systems = 35% discount

I was thinking about running it for a week more, to see if we can get up to the 10 units.

If you visit other foruns, please tell'em!


Paul (Notts) - 4/11/08 at 06:40 PM

Any idea of the starting price ?


JJM - 4/11/08 at 07:04 PM

Rally Design prices-

4 litre mechanical=£159.50+vat+delivery=£197.50 approx.

2.25 litre mechanical Clubman=£76+vat+delivery=£98.80 approx.

JoaoCaldeira - 6/11/08 at 04:09 PM

I'm working on getting better prices... way better on the 4.0 ltr