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worse sevenalike ever?
damdy-cash - 4/8/11 at 05:47 PM

I vote 1986 ONYX BOBCAT 1.3 MG METRO BLUE 2002 REG | eBay

cheers Volker

Voodoo - 4/8/11 at 05:52 PM

Arggghhh my eyes are bleeding....

scootz - 4/8/11 at 05:54 PM

It has a face that only its builder could love!

deltron63 - 4/8/11 at 05:55 PM

strange......... no bids

snakebelly - 4/8/11 at 05:57 PM

personally i think its an insult to call it a sevenalike more like an abominatio alike!

mangogrooveworkshop - 4/8/11 at 06:02 PM

The moss manaco is the worst thing ever

r1bob - 4/8/11 at 06:05 PM

im sorry,, but wtf !

Ninehigh - 4/8/11 at 06:14 PM

His english is as ugly as the car... but at least it's tax d..

spiderman01980 - 4/8/11 at 06:16 PM

and its FW drive, why would you even bother, and the guy that designed it must of been high on magic mushrooms or some sh*t.

scootz - 4/8/11 at 06:21 PM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
The moss manaco is the worst thing ever

Ever??? Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark Allanson - 4/8/11 at 06:26 PM

The Moss Monaco is quite nice in relation to this lot!

norfolkluego - 4/8/11 at 06:32 PM

It's not actually supposed to look like that, surely

spiderman01980 - 4/8/11 at 06:37 PM

onyx even built a kit based on a fiat panda.

Liam - 4/8/11 at 06:53 PM

Huh - I'm sure I've seen plenty of those before, so how come that one looks worse than any I've seen? Looks like it's on castors. Is it a 'special' one, or perhaps does the mental scarring from seeing one actually start to slowly heal over time, so when you see another one it seems worse?

[Edited on 4/8/11 by Liam]

owelly - 4/8/11 at 06:58 PM

It's an automotive Millhouse!!

skydivepaul - 4/8/11 at 07:09 PM

even the dog looks embarrased to be next to it..................dont you take my picture!!

JoelP - 4/8/11 at 07:49 PM

those are surely the worlds most ineffective rear mud guards/cyclewings. Absolutely horrible, in so many ways. I would single out the most ugly backend ever but up against the front, they're about equal. No even saveable really as to make it RWD would need IVA?

davestarck - 4/8/11 at 08:06 PM

Starting price £1000.00

wylliezx9r - 4/8/11 at 08:18 PM

That car makes Anne Widecombe look sexy

MikeRJ - 4/8/11 at 08:19 PM

It's really not a Seven-alike - it's a transverse engined FWD car. But yes, Onyx have certainly given their creation some 'challenging' aesthetics.

Proby - 4/8/11 at 08:39 PM

Words fail me trying to describe to describe this wonderful creation. WTF was the guy thinking about when he designed this kit??

shindha - 4/8/11 at 09:09 PM

Beauty in the eye of the builder,
But comedy value for all others.

PSpirine - 4/8/11 at 09:23 PM


If it was at a more reasonable starting price (£200?), it would make quite a good little auto-solo/auto-testing car!

mangogrooveworkshop - 4/8/11 at 09:33 PM

Magenta Kit Car Kitcar | eBay

BigMac - 4/8/11 at 09:54 PM

Dear god, my eyes!!

Bare - 5/8/11 at 03:28 AM

Mercifully... all those abominations are confined to the UK :-)

BigFaceDave - 5/8/11 at 06:19 AM

I dont want to scare anyone but they seem to be breeding!

Unfinished Project - Metro Kit Car - Running - Nott'm | eBay

sheepish0001 - 5/8/11 at 06:26 AM

Just an update on the Magentas only being in the UK i had mine exported to France so they can slowly take over the world

It was the first registered over there so oodles of paper work


steve m - 5/8/11 at 07:41 AM


So there are two Onyx cars about, and both for sale !!

mmmm, wondxer why

mrwibble - 5/8/11 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by steve m

So there are two Onyx cars about, and both for sale !!

mmmm, wondxer why

not sure i could part with that if it was mine. i might part ex it for a ride on lawn mower though...

steve m - 5/8/11 at 11:13 AM

You would get that much for it ????

More like a b&q electric flymo

mad-butcher - 5/8/11 at 02:25 PM

Well about what I would expect from someone cruel enough to have a rotwieler with a tail


mrwibble - 5/8/11 at 02:37 PM

I've just read the description again, "sports convertible" made me chuckle

RK - 5/8/11 at 03:24 PM

What surprises me every time with these things, is that they all have a second seat in them for a passenger. Maybe the owners are extremely rich or something.

blakep82 - 8/8/11 at 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Proby
Words fail me trying to describe to describe this wonderful creation. WTF was the guy thinking about when he designed this kit??

something like "f**k it, that'll do..." maybe? lol

why is it cruel for a rotweiler to have a tail?

MikeFellows - 8/8/11 at 10:55 AM

its difficult to do anything about a rotttweilers tail unless you have working dogs now

either that or your using string/wire on puppies tails to cut the circulation

mine has his tail