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Author: Subject: need help to decide

posted on 17/2/09 at 10:51 PM Reply With Quote
need help to decide

hi all,
situation is this.

had planned on building the haynes roadster,
then the news of the single seater leaked out,
really fancied the single seater so decided to wait for the release of the single seater book & build that.

now the plot thickens......
wife wants me to build the roadster as we (wife & kids ) could go for a spin in it whereas single i,d be the only one to enjoy it, my wife doesn,t drive, have 12yr old son who is mad on cars etc, she also says if i,m spending that sort of money on a "toy" then we should all get chance to enjoy it ( albeit not at same time).

i,ll be honest & say that i fancy the single but am getting itchy fingers & want to start building "something" & i understand what points my mrs has brought up.

so please vote either single or roadster.


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posted on 17/2/09 at 10:53 PM Reply With Quote
Roadster if you want a more simple and less expensive quicker build!
Single Seater if you want to be (one of) the first!
There will be more help with the Roadster if you get stuck!

How hard can it be?


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posted on 17/2/09 at 10:56 PM Reply With Quote
Simple, build both, problem solved.

My work here is done

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posted on 17/2/09 at 10:57 PM Reply With Quote
alter the roadster and fit three seats

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posted on 17/2/09 at 10:59 PM Reply With Quote
alter the single seater, and built 2 seats, one in front of the other. like russ bost's cars


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posted on 17/2/09 at 11:03 PM Reply With Quote
i would seriously say single seater, because its going to be a toy whatever, and youll scare the sh*t out of them the first time you drive them anyway, she'll never get in it again lol
seriously you will get more speed etc out of the single seater and be one of the first to build! bonus! you can, when youve finished, also take it to a special track or airfield day and give them both a go maybe? one of my friends used to drive ferraris formula renaults lambos etc way before he passed his drivng test, so there are tracks that do this out there!

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posted on 17/2/09 at 11:14 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by hellbent345
i would seriously say single seater, because its going to be a toy whatever, and youll scare the sh*t out of them the first time you drive them anyway, she'll never get in it again lol
seriously you will get more speed etc out of the single seater and be one of the first to build! bonus! you can, when youve finished, also take it to a special track or airfield day and give them both a go maybe? one of my friends used to drive ferraris formula renaults lambos etc way before he passed his drivng test, so there are tracks that do this out there!

ah but you don,t know my mrs
she loves speed ! not easily frightened ( proved that by marrying me)
she loves being on back of my bike & always asking to go faster, faster, i consider myself a safe but fast bike rider ( ex racer) but she just doesn,t get scared at all, knee down stuff etc is a buzz for her, also the young lad goes on back of bike & enjoys it.( no knee down stuff for him )

i do like the idea of having a single seater on the road asap after book is released.

keep voting please & thanks for input.

ps wife is watching this thread with interest

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posted on 17/2/09 at 11:23 PM Reply With Quote
Roadster and keep everybody happy and on side. It will be quick enough, especially with a proper engine
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posted on 17/2/09 at 11:29 PM Reply With Quote
i take it you mean a BEC ????

I was thinking of using a vfr750 motor into the single if thats what i end up building.


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posted on 17/2/09 at 11:50 PM Reply With Quote
Depends on how quick you build. From what I've gleaned from the single seater thread, the book isn't out for some time yet, so you have plenty of time to build the roadster.

By the time you've got that on the road, the mrs will have passed her test, so she can drive that with your son, and you can build the single seater

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posted on 17/2/09 at 11:57 PM Reply With Quote
The way I look at it, having your family on board is pretty important, remember these cars EAT your evenings and weekends..and thats just the forum!

If it was me, I;d want to include SWMBO then when it goes over budget or the build stalls, she will be encouraging you rather than saying "I told you so"

Plus at 13 your lad will learn a lot from the build - be a shame to exclude him after he will have helped out so much.

Persnally I would kill for a wife who liked my hobbies - and do what i could to keep it that way.

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posted on 17/2/09 at 11:57 PM Reply With Quote
Stop thinking just about yourself, build the Roadster, and keep the whole family happy. Probably go just as fast as the S/S anyway, Cheers Ray

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posted on 18/2/09 at 12:04 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Dangle_kt
The way I look at it, having your family on board is pretty important, remember these cars EAT your evenings and weekends..and thats just the forum!

If it was me, I;d want to include SWMBO then when it goes over budget or the build stalls, she will be encouraging you rather than saying "I told you so"

Plus at 13 your lad will learn a lot from the build - be a shame to exclude him after he will have helped out so much.

Persnally I would kill for a wife who liked my hobbies - and do what i could to keep it that way.

i,m probably sounding thick but what does swmbo stand for ?

as for which car to build ............................
how about build the roadster then build the s/seater.
ps the wife will not be learning to drive !

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posted on 18/2/09 at 12:14 AM Reply With Quote
She Who Must Be Obeyed



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Paul TigerB6

posted on 18/2/09 at 02:09 AM Reply With Quote
A single seater is surely more of a trackday toy!! Go for the roadster i recon - keep the family included and justifying the cash becomes a whole lot easier.
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posted on 18/2/09 at 07:01 AM Reply With Quote
Build both BEC but on cartridge principal - move engine to whichever one you want at the time by making engine cradle common to both.

Seriously tho' I would consider looking for a cheap Locost and put in bike engine which is a quick fix to your conundrum, then start building Single seater and once far enough along put locost back to it's original engine, sell it and use the Bike Engine in the single seater or sell the Locost as a BEC, whichever will bring the best return - that way you can have your cake and eat it - or keep both.

If you keep both you can use the Locost to tow the SS to track days and if your build time is anything like most of ours your son will be old enough to drive Mom around the track in the Locost whilst you enjoy the SS.

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posted on 18/2/09 at 08:27 AM Reply With Quote
Build 3 seperate single seaters! yours first coz you have passed your test, get the Mrs on with the lessons , then build hers, b y the time they are both done junior will be driving.! easy peasy. Seriously though I'd do the roadster first, any snagging has already been done.

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posted on 18/2/09 at 08:27 AM Reply With Quote
Build the Roadster.... If she likes speed, it would be selfish to build a single seater.

Involve the whole family, get the wife to do the trimming, and pretty bits.
Get the lad involved, it will really help him.
it will build his confidence, his knowlege, and the bond between you all.

Its a win-win solution if everyone is involved.

Plus you can take them out in a two seater.

If they help build a single seater, only you will drive it and they will feel left out.

If you really MUST have a single seater, build it after you have done the roadster.

Which ever way you go... good luck and enjoy the build.

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posted on 18/2/09 at 09:16 AM Reply With Quote
i think the writing was on the wall the whole time, you,ve all basically said whats being spinning around in my head, involve my family, young lad will gain good knowledge & feel sense of achievement etc, if time & budget the wife will encourage me on etc, snags of s/seater will be well sorted by time i decide to build one, can take wife or son out in the roadster etc,
if being honest i was probably being a little selfish wanting the single,
the wife is fully behind me with wanting to build a kit, she has already decided on colour scheme ( which i like )= black & polished steel/ali body & black with silver trim interior.
so all in all a worthwhile poll for me,
i,m not indecisive just couldn,t decide which way to go
i guess i could build the roadster in about 12 months, and also by then the confusion of the new iva would be sorted & into a routine.
so basically it looks like a roadster will be on the road for next summer ( 2010 ).
i do like some of the idea,s you came up with, duel cartridge idea of swapping engine from one to the other
thanks all, been great help,

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Steve Hignett

posted on 18/2/09 at 09:36 AM Reply With Quote
So it's a Single Seater then???

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posted on 18/2/09 at 09:40 AM Reply With Quote

roadster first then single seater , like someone said in earlier reply..... have both

its true how the saying goes.....SWMBO the poll has confirmed what she has been saying


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posted on 18/2/09 at 11:23 AM Reply With Quote
Be glad SWMBO likes your hobby and that she supports you. To keep it like that, build the roadster. Less chance that she will complain about the budget.

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posted on 18/2/09 at 12:18 PM Reply With Quote
The single seaters a long way off yet, you've got time to build a roadster then the book for the single seater should be out.

Hope that helps.



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posted on 18/2/09 at 02:14 PM Reply With Quote
I'd build the roadster first, then with your new found confidence, you should be able to throw the single seater together in a few weeks!

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posted on 18/2/09 at 02:17 PM Reply With Quote
thanks John ,
yeah thats what i,m gonna do, build the roadster then maybe the s/seater at some point in future.

now i can focus & get cracking on building instead of twiddling my thumbs & umming & arrrgging whether to wait for the single,

a roadster it will be,


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